[Maths-Education] AMET 16th March

Pat Perks maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:11:13 +0000 [GMT]

AMET Day Conference 16th March 2002
What Makes a Good Maths Teacher?

VENUE:  Manchester Metropolitan University

16th March  10 00 =96 16 00
Cost: =A315 for members, =A320 non-members including buffet lunch.

Please send cheques to Frank Eade at MMU
The Manchester Metropolitan University
Institute of Education
Centre for Mathematics Education
799 Wilmslow Road   
Manchester   M20 2RR

Please make contact if you are intending to come.

Dr Pat Perks                        email:   P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
School of Education                 phone:  (+44) 121 414 4814
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham    B15 2TT