[Maths-Education] Re: [ATM-mail] Becta seminar on small software for mathematics using handheld te chnology

Matt Skoss maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:14:36 +0930

Following on from David Wright's comments...

Many of the Maths 300 lessons have this purpose-built software (Mac/PC) that
allows kids to explore an idea, conjecture, etc.

The Maths 300 resources are a Curriculum
Corporation professional development initiative to capture the best 300
lessons that exist in Australia.  (Currently up to lesson #104.)

All lessons are well documented via a substantial PDF document (8-28 pages,
typically).  Many lessons are supported by locally-written software, that is
pedagogically sound, creating opportunities for students at all levels to
behave like real mathematicians, testing conjectures and investigating the

All lessons are relevant to a broad range of ages and stages (eg. Year 2-12
for my personal favourite - Highest Number).

More info from http://www.curriculum.edu.au/maths300.  Two trial lessons and
software are available as free downloads - Radioactivity & Crazy Animals.

All lesson plans and software are available on an annual subscription basis.
Cost is currently $330 for the first year (rising to $440 in 2002), and then
an annual subscription of $110 per year.

All lessons start with a powerful kinesthetic or 'hands-on' activity, that
can be tweaked to make it appropriate for your students.  The resources lay
out a powerful professional development process for schools, maths
faculties, etc to integrate appropriate learning technologies into their
teaching and learning.

Please feel welcome to email me about it, or contact Doug Williams
(national director of the project) at doug@blackdouglas.com.au.  Many
schools also invest in a workshop to implement the resources and the PD

My personal experience with these resources is that they certainly inspire
teachers and their teaching, and has a positive flow-on effect to the kids'

Regards, Matt.

                           (@ @)
|                     Matt Skoss                         |
|   LATIS (Learning and Technology in Schools) Advisor   |
|       Strategic and Leadership Development Branch      |
|          LATIS Professional Development Office         |
|                                                        |
|                     PO Box 1420                        |
|                 Alice Springs NT 0871                  |
|                                                        |
|                 Phone: 0419-824 704                    |
|                  Fax: 08-8952 7210                     |
|                                                        |
|            Email: matt.skoss@latis.net.au              |
|                 Web: www.latis.net.au                  |
                          || ||
                         ooO Ooo

> From: David Wright <david_wright@becta.org.uk>
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:35:23 -0000
> To: "Atm-Mail (E-mail)" <atm-mail@nottingham.ac.uk>, "Maths education list
> (E-mail)" <maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk>
> Subject: [ATM-mail] Becta seminar on small software for mathematics using
> handheld te chnology
> *****************************************************
> This is the email discussion list for members of ATM.
> *****************************************************Becta Seminar - 6th March
> 2002 - Scarman House, University of Warwick,
> Coventry "Opportunities for small software and hand held technology in
> mathematics education":
> One of the most effective ways of supporting mathematics teaching and
> learning through ICT has been the development of small software programs
> focused on a particular aspect of mathematics.  Examples developed by the
> Shell centre at Nottingham University or the SMILE project have become
> recognised as being particularly valuable.  A constraint on using these
> resources has been that of organising access to computers and integrating
> the technology into the mathematics classroom.  Also, many of these programs
> were developed for the BBC computer and have not transferred to the PC.
> Graphical calculators have evolved to the extent that they are now as
> powerful as the BBC or 480Z computers of the past.  This means that teachers
> and pupils now have access to technology running these programs which is
> available on demand in the classroom. In addition, teacher's versions of
> these calculators can be attached to a device that will give a large display
> through an overhead projector for whole class use.
> Becta's aim is to alert the educational community to the potential value for
> mathematics education of this application of ICT.  Also, to alert developers
> and manufacturers to the opportunities available to develop products to
> support this aspect of mathematics education.
> Becta has commissioned several projects over the past two years to explore
> the potential of this development.  The first involved Texas Instruments
> (TI), Casio and the SMILE centre working with four schools to develop case
> studies of the use of hand held technology and small software in secondary
> mathematics, a report was produced by Dr Sue Pope at the Roehampton
> Institute, Surrey University.  Further projects involved case studies in the
> development and testing of small software for Casio machines with Macmillan
> CTC and an ongoing project involving TI and Wolverhampton schools.  Becta
> also commissioned a report on new ideas and specifications for programs to
> support Key Stage 3 mathematics in the topics of number, geometry and
> algebra.
> This seminar is an opportunity for the education community, developers and
> manufacturers to hear reports from these projects and suggest further work
> which would support these developments.
> This is a small seminar and numbers are strictly limited, so an early
> application is advised.
> Please contact Sonia Tennant at Becta on 02476 416994, or email her at
> sonia_tennant@becta.org.uk
> David Wright
> Education Officer:Curriculum Strategies
> British Educational Communications and Technology agency(BECTa)
> Milburn Hill Road
> Science Park
> Coventry
> England
> CV4 7JJ
> +44(0)2476 416994
> Mobile 07941 456340
> david_wright@becta.org.uk
> http://vtc.ngfl.gov.uk
> http://www.becta.org.uk
> **********************************************************************
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> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> the system manager.
> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.
> Becta
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