[Maths-Education] Maths Year 2000 merchandise: please reply to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org
Mon, 28 May 2001 19:32:52 +0200
Would you like to send some of these to places outside the UK. Zimbabwe
schools woul be quite happy to receive some of these.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Bibby, MatheMagic/Count On - visit www.counton.org
To: Ucam-Nrich-Primath-Request@Lists. Cam. Ac. Uk
<ucam-nrich-primath-request@lists.cam.ac.uk>; Ucam-Nrich-Support@Lists. Cam.
Ac. Uk <ucam-nrich-support@lists.cam.ac.uk>; Maths-Gcse-A@Felsted. Essex.
Sch. Uk <maths-gcse-a@felsted.essex.sch.uk>; Greig Fratus
<ctimath@bham.ac.uk>; learning-maths@jiscmail.ac.uk
<learning-maths@jiscmail.ac.uk>; Maths-Education@Nottingham. Ac. Uk
<maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk>; Radstats@jiscmail.ac.uk
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<derive-news@jiscmail.ac.uk>; allstat@jiscmail.ac.uk
Date: Sunday, May 27, 2001 1:50 PM
Subject: [Maths-Education] Maths Year 2000 merchandise: please reply to
>This message has been generated through the Mathematics Education email
discussion list.
>Hitting the REPLY key sends a message to all list members.
>NB: please reply to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org
>We have LARGE amounts of MY2000 merchandise to dispose of, including:
> 1. "The Centurion" - a humourously illustrated 15-foot frieze summarising
>maths history, 1000 - 2100 (GREAT wallpaper!)
> 2. Stickers that children LOVE to wear saying "I am a Mathemagician", "I
>love Maths" and other charming oxymorons
> 3. "Event packs" - these include bunting, balloons, posters of Carol
>Vorderman and Alan Shearer AND a letter from David Blunkett
> 4. some t-shirts, hats etc, all with the delightful Maths Year 2000
>"Arithmakid" logo - now being re-branded as "Count On" - see
> 5. Sheets of A3 and A4 paper, blank except for the MY2000 logo in the
>These are available on request to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org
>Please specify how many of each you require. Any surplus is likely to be
>pulped by the end of June.
>We would prefer to send merchandise in LARGE quantities to Teacher Centres
>and other locations which could then circulate to schools in the vicinity.
>This way we get maximum distribution for minimum labour and distribution
>If you know of any charities or others who could use these materials,
>forward this information to them.
>Thank you
>Director: COUNT ON
>Maths-Education mailing list