[Maths-Education] Maths Year 2000 merchandise: please reply to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org

John Bibby, MatheMagic/Count On - visit www.counton.org qed@enterprise.net
Sun, 27 May 2001 08:27:41 +0100

NB: please reply to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org

We have LARGE amounts of MY2000 merchandise to dispose of, including:
	1. "The Centurion" - a humourously illustrated 15-foot frieze summarising
maths history, 1000 - 2100 (GREAT wallpaper!)
	2. Stickers that children LOVE to wear saying "I am a Mathemagician", "I
love Maths" and other charming oxymorons
	3. "Event packs" - these include bunting, balloons, posters of Carol
Vorderman and Alan Shearer AND a letter from David Blunkett
	4. some t-shirts, hats etc, all with the delightful Maths Year 2000
"Arithmakid" logo - now being re-branded as "Count On" - see
	5. Sheets of A3 and A4 paper, blank except for the MY2000 logo in the

These are available on request to Joe.Campbell@mathemagic.org

Please specify how many of each you require. Any surplus is likely to be
pulped by the end of June.

We would prefer to send merchandise in LARGE quantities to Teacher Centres
and other locations which could then circulate to schools in the vicinity.
This way we get maximum distribution for minimum labour and distribution

If you know of any charities or others who could use these materials, please
forward this information to them.

Thank you

Director: COUNT ON