[Maths-Education] Institute of Mathematics Pedagogy
Anne Watson
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:00:48 +0100
John Mason and Anne Watson announce a first annual Institute of
Mathematics Pedagogy. The Institute will bring mathematics teachers,
educators and educational researchers together for study and
discussion on mathematical thinking, learning, tasks and activities
sustained over few days. The programme will be grounded in
mathematics. There will be workshops, readings and writings; all
sessions will be appropriate for established and novice practitioners
in all phases and from all countries. The atmosphere will be
informal and hardworking. It will be held from July 19th to 23rd.
For the first Institute the venue and costs will be dependent on
numbers, which may be limited, so we need to know who is interested
in coming by 30th March.
We aim to keep costs to a minimum. If you are interested in coming
but can only attend for some of the time, or for a particular cost,
please let us know.
Dr. Anne Watson
Tutor for Higher Degrees,
University Lecturer in Educational Studies (Mathematics)
University of Oxford
Department of Educational Studies
15 Norham Gardens
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 01865 274052
Fax: 44 01865 274027
Email: anne.watson@edstud.ox.ac.uk