[Maths-Education] (Fwd) (Fwd) Fw: UNCLASSIFIED: Urgent Respond Quickly

Stuart Rowlands S.Rowlands@plymouth.ac.uk
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 16:04:01 GMT

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          "Jenny Sharp" <J.Sharp@plymouth.ac.uk>
Organization:  University of Plymouth
To:            "andy smith" <a.smith-4@plymouth.ac.uk>,
               Susan_Picker@fc1.nycenet.edu (Susan Picker),
               Susie Jameson <susie.jameson@ukonline.co.uk>,
               Brain Denton@plymouth.ac.uk,
Date:          Tue, 24 Jul 2001 12:30:51 GMT
Subject:       (Fwd) Fw: UNCLASSIFIED: Urgent Respond Quickly
Priority:      normal

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Reply-to:      "Peter Billing" <peterb26@peterb26.eurobell.co.uk>
From:          "Peter Billing" <peterb26@peterb26.eurobell.co.uk>
To:            "Zena Lamparelli" <zena@lamparelli.fsnet.co.uk>,
               "Wendy S. Bennett" <wendysb@btinternet.com>,
               "Tony Helley" <tony.helley@tinyworld.co.uk>,
               "Ted Graham" <e.graham@plymouth.ac.uk>,
               "Sue Ellingson" <SE0324@aol.com>,
               "Steve Rolfe" <itsrolfe@itsrolfe.eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Simon Rogers" <lynneandsimon@lynneandsimon.eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Sam Billing" <samuel_david56@hotmail.com>,
               "Russ Ayling" <RUSSAYLING@compuserve.com>,
               "Rosanne Hawke" <hawknest@picknowl.com.au>,
               "Roger Elliot" <RogerElliot@ukgateway.net>,
               "Robin Bolton" <rob.bolton@talk21.com>,
               "Robert Masters" <robchurch@eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Robert Malpas" <rileyrob@freenetname.co.uk>,
               "Robbie Boyce" <robs-gaf@boy-ces.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Rob Nelder" <rob.nelder@sw-devon-ha.swest.nhs.uk>,
               "Rob Francis" <FranciRS@Blagden-Cellobond.co.uk>,
               "Richard Luke" <richardlukebb@hotmail.com>,
               "Reg Moss" <reg@rudgwick2b.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Philip Billing" <pbilling@globalnet.co.uk>,
               "Peter Oxenham" <oxenham.peter@totalise.co.uk>,
               "Paul Weekes" <p_weekes@hotmail.com>,
               "Paul Richardson" <paul.richardson5@which.net>,
               "Paul Holt" <paul.holt@orange.net>,
               "Olive and Brian Woolass" <Olivewoolass@yahoo.co.uk>,
               "Nigel Facey" <nigel@facey.swinternet.co.uk>,
               "Nicola and Adam" <nick.boxell@ntlworld.com>,
               "Nick Gunn" <commander_gunn@yahoo.com>,
               "Neil Smale" <cockaboo@eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Mike Semmens" <Mike_Semmens@pall.com>,
               "Mike Flude" <flude@pembs.swinternet.co.uk>,
               "Michael Oxenham" <mike.oxenham@totalise.co.uk>,
               "Maxine Balmer" <TMW23@aol.com>,
               "Max Spiller" <mousehole@ozemail.com.au>,
               "Maurie Moyle" <moygm@aol.com>,
               "Maurice Atkin" <maurice.atkin1@virgin.net>,
               "Maurice & Zeta Moore" <sonnygps@bossig.com>,
               "Margaret Gavin" <roscommon@eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Marcus Pasmore" <marcus.pasmore@totalise.co.uk>,
               "Marcia Landrum" <marcia.landrum@lmco.com>,
               "Malcolm Godolphin" <mr.g2cbb@lineone.net>,
               "Mal Billing" <mal@mbilling.fsnet.co.uk>,
               "Lorna McIntosh" <lmcinto@attglobal.net>,
               "Lesley Holt" <lesleyholt99@hotmail.com>,
               "Leigh Genge" <l.genge@plymouth.ac.uk>,
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               "John Wills" <john.wills@tesco.net>,
               "John Stewart" <john@jstewart27.fsnet.co.uk>,
               "John Hawke" <jwhawke@effect.net.au>,
               "John Goodbody" <jandjgoodbody@tesco.net>,
               "Joe Allaway" <joe@pdq.uk.com>,
               "Jim Meikle" <jimnor@cruin.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Jill Dixon" <jill@mdixon.demon.co.uk>,
               "Jennifer Daniels" <Mike.Daniels@uce.ac.uk>,
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               "Janet & Wayne" <seal.family@tesco.net>,
               "Graham Williams" <graham.t.williams@talk21.com>,
               "Gordon Hodson" <gordon@hodsonnth.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Glenn Bearne" <glenn.bearne@ntlworld.com>,
               "Don & Carole De Silva" <carolede@amdaat.com.au>,
               "Diane & Carla" <ROO@dewheller.fsbusiness.co.uk>,
               "Deirdre & Roger Stannell" <rstannell@compuserve.com>,
               "David Parslow" <david@dparslow.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "David Jolly" <david.jolly@unisonfree.net>,
               "David Holman" <David@dholman.worldonline.co.uk>,
               "David Billing" <david.billing@dbilling.eurobell.co.uk>,
               "Daniel Edwards" <daniel@edwards52.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Colin Spiller" <colin.spiller@unisonfree.net>,
               "Christopher Hamley" <chris@hamley.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Charles Atkin" <charles_atkin@lineone.net>,
               "Barbara Wilkinson" <barbara@wilkinson100.freeserve.co.uk>,
               "Angela Garety" <a.garety@btinternet.com>,
               "Adrian Ball" <hanball@btinternet.com>,
               "Brian Cherrett" <B.Cherrett@btinternet.com>,
               "Bill Pearsall" <billpeasall@blueyonder.co.uk>,
               "Bert Symons" <bert.mary@totalise.co.uk>
Subject:       Fw: UNCLASSIFIED: Urgent Respond Quickly
Date:          Mon, 23 Jul 2001 15:23:31 +0100

If this works - and I have my doubts - what a great way to obtain a donation
for your favourite charity from Bill Gates!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pengelly, Tony" <Tony.Pengelly@defence.gov.au>
To: "'Crocker, Brian'" <brian.crocker@virgin.net>; "'Graham Towl'"
<GRAYSUE@gtowl.fsnet.co.uk>; "'Keir Malpas'" <malpasnoak@shoal.net.au>;
"'Peter Billing'" <peterb26@peterb26.eurobell.co.uk>;
<amq11w14@dynamite.com.au>; <nedgub@dynamite.com.au>
Sent: 23 July 2001 00:39
Subject: SEC: UNCLASSIFIED: Urgent Respond Quickly

> If you're not in it you can't win it!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pengelly, Nick
> Sent: Monday, 23 July 2001 8:51
> To: 'Robyn Moore'; 'ianw@hn.ozemail.com.au'; Fiddian,  Matt; Pengelly,
> Tony; Kent, James; McKinnon, Greg
> Subject: SEC UNCLASSIFIED: FW: Urgent Respond Quickly
> Nick Pengelly
> Project Manager
> Aircraft Self Protection Development
> R2-6-A036
> Ph. (02) 62651224
> Fax. (02) 62653142
> Mobile: 0411 286 490
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pengelly Michael [mailto:Michael.Pengelly@gerrard.com]
> <mailto:[mailto:Michael.Pengelly@gerrard.com]>
> Sent: Thursday, 19 July 2001 20:20
> To: Dad; Mum; Pengelly, Nick; Sam; Steve; Stew
> Subject: FW: Urgent Respond Quickly
> I am fowarding this because the person who sent it to me is a very
> professional business person and a good friend and does not send me junk.
> Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet company and in an effort
> sure that Internet explorer remains the most widely used program,
> and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
> When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it
> you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
> For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you
> $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on,
> Microsoft
> will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will
> be paid $241.00.  Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your
> address and
> then send you a cheque.
> I thought this was a scam myself, but two weeks after receiving this
> and frowarding it on, Microsoft contacted me for my e-mail and within
> I received a cheque for R24 800.00.
> You need to respond before the beta testing is over.  If anyone can afford
> this Bill Gates is the man.  It's all marketing expense to him.
> Do Well !!!  Everything is worth a shot, let's give it a go !!!
> ************************************************************************
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> intended solely for the attention and use of the addressee only.
> Information contained in this message may be subject to legal,
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> are not authorised to disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or
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> If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by
> telephone (+44-20-7002-4000) and destroy the original message.
> We reserve the right to monitor all e-mail messages passing through our
> network.
> ************************************************************************

Dr J Sharp
Centre for Teaching Mathematics
University of Plymouth
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