[Maths-Education] Special edition of MERJ
Robyn Zevenbergen
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 10:52:29 +1000
Call for Submissions for Special Edition of Mathematics
Education Research Journal (MERJ).
Equity in Mathematics Education
MERJ is the refereed journal of the Mathematics Education Research Group
of Australasia and it is published three times per year. MERJ also
occasionally publishes special editions on specific issues of importance t=
o the
international mathematics education research community. A special edition =
MERJ has been scheduled for publication in 2002 with a focus on
international perspectives on equity in the teaching and learning of
mathematics. It is anticipated that this will be Volume 3 for 2002.
The editors, Robyn Zevenbergen (Australia) and Luis Ortiz-Franco (USA),
solicit contributions for that special issue of MERJ. The articles submitt=
ed for
publication consideration should address issues of equity and social justi=
ce in
mathematics education from empirical or theoretical perspectives. The
empirical articles should be linked to cutting edge theoretical paradigms =
the theoretical essays should be grounded on empirical results. The goal i=
that the final collection of articles will cover a broad range of issues a=
perspectives on equity in the international scene in mathematics education=
The intention and rationale for this special publication is to highlight a=
perspectives to the conservative trend in education (Apple 2001) that is
ignoring many salient equity concerns in mathematics education.
The social reality is that in most societies around the world there is a
widening gap in access to wealth, power and status. School mathematics
plays a central role in determining life chances and hence the implication=
s for
equity and social justice are profound. The editors are seeking papers th=
address these issues.
Papers are requested that address issues on equity from:
theoreticalstandpoints grounded on empirical data; or
methodologicalapproaches that can advance research on equity; or
studiesthat focus on a particular target group of international relevance=
studiesthat show clear evidence of how (in)equity is being realised in and=
through school mathematics; or
researchfocused on transformative reforms where equity has been the
The formal review process of articles submitted for publication considerat=
will adhere to MERJ=92s protocol requiring that all papers be reviewed by =
to three referees. The referees for this special edition will be selected =
on the
basis of their work in the area of equity in mathematics education. Paper=
should be approximately 5-7K words, plus bibliography, tables and figures,=
and must use the format adopted by MERJ which is based on the APA
format. Intending authors should refer to the journal for formatting. Pape=
should be research-based. For purposes of this special issue, research is
considered broadly to include empirical investigations as well as theoreti=
and methodological considerations grounded on empirical findings.
Proposals for papers should be submitted electronically to
Robyn Zevenbergen at { HYPERLINK mailto:r.zevenbergen@mailbox.gu.edu.au }r=
.zevenbergen@mailbox.gu.edu.au by August 31,
2001. These should be approx 300-500 words.
Full papers must be sent before Jan 30, 2002. Articles will be assigned to=
reviewers as soon as they are received.
The editors reserve the right to solicit invited papers from individuals.
However, such papers will be subject to the normal review process.
Robyn Zevenbergen
Faculty of Education
Griffith University
PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre
Bundall, QLD, 9726, Australia
Ph: +61 7 5594 8632
Fax: +61 7 5594 8599