[Maths-Education] Job vacancy - MOTIVATE Coordinator

Mrs Toni Beardon lab11@cam.ac.uk
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 15:15:02 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

MOTIVATE Video-conferencing Project Co-Ordinator=20
Mathematics Schools Video-Links=20

The Millennium Mathematics Project, a long-term outreach and public
understanding initiative set up by the University of Cambridge in
1999, is seeking a person to manage an existing NESTA-funded
video-conferencing programme where students from many different
schools collaborate on mathematical problem solving and give
presentations on their work. Students from schools in different
countries meet research mathematicians in a very informal
video-conferencing atmosphere. The project aims to introduce young
people to some of the ways in which mathematics is used and applied
and to encourage them to aim for the top.

The successful candidate will have a degree in mathematics or a
related subject, school teaching experience and a knowledge of the
school mathematics curriculum. You will have excellent communication
and administrative skills. You should be computer-literate and feel
comfortable with the Internet and with information and
communications technology. Prior experience of video-conferencing is
not necessary and you will work with a Technical Co-Ordinator
responsible for the video-link itself so you will not need a
detailed understanding of video-conferencing technology.

The Project Co-Ordinator will be responsible for all aspects of
managing the programme, including recruiting and approaching
mathematicians to speak, liaising with the schools and dealing with
the routine administration of school and speaker contacts.  You will
also take responsibility for the educational development and
extension of the programme. You will work with a Technical
Co-Ordinator responsible for the video-link itself so a detailed
prior understanding of video-conferencing technology is not

The salary will be within the range =A318, 915 to =A324, 479 or, for an
exceptionally well-qualified candidate, =A323,521 to =A327, 451
depending on age, qualifications and experience. The appointment
will be for a fixed term of two years in the first instance

To find out more about the project see:


A job description can be found at:


For further information please contact Toni Beardon

To apply, please send a detailed covering letter, a CV and the names
and contact details of two referees to:

Julia Hawkins, Millennium Mathematics Project, Centre for
Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA

(email: jemh4@damtp.cam.ac.uk  fax: 01223 766883)

Closing date: September 29th=20

Toni Beardon                      NRICH Online Maths Club
University of Cambridge            http://nrich.maths.org
School of Education              Cambridge STIMULUS Project
17 Trumpington St                http://stimulus.maths.org
Cambridge CB2 1QA                     MOTIVATE Project
England                     Royal Institution Mathematics Workshops
Email: LAB11@cam.ac.uk     Tel. (01223) 336282   Fax. (01223) 356410