Re(2): [Maths-Education] Money Counts

Jeremy Hodgen
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 10:19:05 +0000

Hold on a minute. This discussion started from Peter's comments on 
the BEAM book 'Money Counts' aimed at primary, but there's also 
related curriculum advice at 
Now these materials may be flawed and they may be the result of 
various compromises - but I don't accept that they represent only the 
corporate voice. Certainly as someone involved in the writing, 
several of us fought hard to include wider social, political and 
economic issues. And, yes, enabling children to challenge the hidden 
inequities in  our society is important, but we do also need to 
enable them to develop skills to live with the financial system we've 
got. It seems to me important that young people know when and whether 
they're being ripped off!

>But given the fact that the Financial Services Industry wants to influence
>what is taught in schools surely the main issue is do we want to provide
>an alternative perspective which at least gives the possbility of students
>making their own minds up. If we don't then the only voice that will be
>heard is the corporate voice.
>Mark Boylan
>School of Education
>Sheffield Hallam University
>College House
>S10 2BP
>Tel 0114 2254398
>>My specific concrn in comenting on
>>"Money Counts" was that it could easily become ideologically driven,
>>than mathematically driven, and not provide that "intellectually engaging
>>context" which I believe is important
>Maths-Education mailing list

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Jeremy Hodgen