[Maths-Education] Yes there IS a Free Lunch! (Travel too!) - Multicultural Crystal Maze + BIG 2000 Show Training Opportunity
John Bibby, QED/MatheMagic (York, England), maths popularisers
Sat, 6 May 2000 13:08:28 +0100
Revised info: 5/5/00
My earlier message did not make sufficiently clear that travel subsidies are
available for this event.
It's NEXT SATURDAY and funding is available. BOOK NOW!
Multicultural Crystal Maze + BIG 2000 Show
(Training opportunity - please forward details to others who might be
You are invited to apply for a FREE place at the following workshop,
including FREE Buffet lunch and agreed travel support. Limited Maths Year
2000 funding will be available for follow-up events.
Please contact John Bibby NOW to reserve your place, sending name, address,
phone, fax and email details.
Email JohnBibby@mathemagic.org
NB: Please copy your email to
as David will be dealing with this for part of next week while I am away.
David's phone is 01904-424242, but email is best as then both he and I get
copies. Thanks.
Please also let us know if you would like overnight accommodation (see below
for hotel details)
Venue: Edgeley Business Centre (Avondale Road, Edgeley, Stockport - location
details below)
Timing: 10am-3.30pm, Saturday 13th May
Aim of workshop: To provide "cascade" training in maths entertainment using
1. The Multicultural Crystal Maze
2. The BIG 2000 Show
The Crystal Maze consists of fascinating mathematical problems from around
the Globe, developed by Ruth Dodd and team, who will run the workshop. The
Crystal Maze is an annual success at ATM conferences, and has also been
ecstatically received by children of all ages at the North East Maths Fair
and York Maths FunFair (dates this year, 17th June and 21st October
The BIG 2000 Show has been developed by the British Interactive Group. It
runs for exactly 2000 seconds and illustrates varied features of the number
2000. Lots of scope for development and amendment by your local team!
These mathematical experiences will promote enjoyment of mathematcs for
children, parents and teachers.
Maths Year 2000 funding may be available for follow-up events.
We shall be booking hotel rooms for those staying over on the Friday night.
Provis. arrangements - meet at 8pm for dinner, starting at
Wycliffe Hotel
74 Edgeley Road
Tel: 0161-477-5395
Fax: 0161-476-3219
Location details (please ask for faxed map):
Wycliffe Hotel is at corner of St Lesmo Road. Taxi or 310 bus for c. 1 mile
SW from Stockport Railway Station. (page 83 square 2F on my Manchester A-Z)
Edgeley Centre is ~300m north of the hotel, along Lesmo Road and then left
into Avondale Road (for car parking approach via Sussex road off Stockport