[Maths-Education] FunMaths event in Exeter
John Bibby, QED/MatheMagic (York, England), maths popularisers
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:31:28 +0100
Please note the special Maths Year 2000 "MathFest" on April 15th, just
before the Exeter M.A. conference.
(You may have seen the photo on page 3 of last week's TES)
April 15th: Exeter College (New Victoria Yard Building, opp. Exet=
Central Station)
* June 17th: 8th North East Maths Fair (Houghton Kepier School, Houghto=
Le Spring, Durham)
*** June 24th: Leeds Funtastic Maths (see below) ***
July 1st Manchester Maine Road Football Stadium
October 21st York Maths FunFair (Burnholme College)
For info on these and all MY2000 events contact 0800-100 900 and
For details of the Maths Year 2000 calendar-frieze, see www.mathemagic.or=
* NB: my previous email gave June 18th, which is WRONG
*** Funtastic Maths
Leeds University Conference Auditorium
24 June 2000
=A32 in advance
An interactive tour of the history of mathematics, organised by the
Yorkshire Branch of the Mathematical Association.
Contact: Dr Tony Orton (YBMA)
CSSME, Leeds University, LS2 9JT