[Maths-Education] ICT conference
Michelle Selinger
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 22:57:58 +0100
Educational technology and the impact on teaching and learning=20
a global research forum
Olympia Exhibition Centre, London
January 11th, 2000
The UK Association for IT in Teacher Education (ITTE) in conjunction with=
BESA is holding an international research conference the day before the=
annual BETT show in Olympia. Sponsored by RM, it is the inaugural=
conference in a series of annual events.
The BETT show is the major annual exhibition for hardware and software=
developers in educational technology. It is traditionally well attended by=
international visitors, many of whom are engaged in educational research in=
ICT. This conference will add a research focus to BETT complementing the=
practitioner based seminars held during the show.
Leading figures in ICT and education have been invited to give keynote and=
parallel sessions, including=20
Marlene Scardamalia, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,=
University of Toronto, Canada
Matti Sinko, Ministry of Education, Finland
Neil Mercer, Centre for Language and Communication, Open University, UK
Julian Sefton-Green, Weekend Arts College, London, UK=20
Rosamund Sutherland, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK
There will also be three panels of leading UK and international researchers=
who will focus on current issues of ICT and learning and ICT and teacher=
Conference fees
Education =A3120 Corporate =A3150=20
to include conference fee, coffee, lunch and tea at the Olympia Conference=
Centre plus drinks reception and dinner at the Royal Garden Hotel,=
Education delegates =A395=20
to include conference fee, coffee, lunch and tea ONLY
Accommodation will be available at show rates in hotels near to Olympia. =
Details will be sent to you with your booking confirmation together with=
the full conference programme. Please complete the attached booking form=
and return to the address shown. =20
Early booking is advised. Closing date for applications is December 7th, 19=
A post-conference publication will be made available also sponsored by RM.
Please register using the booking form below. On receipt of payment you will=
be sent the full conference programme and accommodation details.=20
Any queries? Please email ITTE_BETT@fcis1.wie.warwick.ac.uk Fax + 44 (0)24=
7652 4110
or telephone Michelle Selinger: + 44 (0)24 7652 2304
Return completed forms by post to:=20
Donna Jay, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL,=
Institution/Company =8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
Email =8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
Address =8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
Postcode=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A Country=8A=8A=8A=8A=
Telephone =8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A Fax =8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
Conference fees
Education =A3120 Corporate =A3150=20
to include conference fee, coffee, lunch and tea at the Olympia Conference=
Centre plus drinks reception and dinner at the Royal Garden Hotel,=
Kensington, London=20
Education only =A395=20
to include conference fee, coffee, lunch and tea ONLY
A post-conference publication will be made available after the conference
Please tick appropriate boxes regarding payment
( ) UK application: I enclose a cheque for =A3 ________
( ) Overseas application I have arranged a bank credit transfer for ______ =
UK pounds
To Barclays Bank, Botley Branch, PO Box 333, Oxford, OX1 3HS, UK
Sort code: 20-65-18
Account name: I.T.T.E. Account number: 40531707
Name of account money to be transferred from:=8A..=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=8A=
( ) Please invoice me at the above address
All payments must be received by 7th December
Cancellation policy
More than 4 weeks before: 75% refund
4 weeks before: 50% refund
Less than 4 weeks: no refund available=20