Already a global leader in this new method of data storage

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Fri Jul 29 11:09:11 BST 2022

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Did you know
The world has not updated the method of storing data for 20+ years?
A new technology is changing storage capabilities.
More secure. Immutable. Cheaper.
Invest into the company that already accounts for 2-3% of data
storage worldwide utilizing this ground-breaking technology.
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Already a global leader in this new method of data storage
Over $20 million deployed into infrastructure to date
Nearly 80% of shares already subscribed
Potential IPO targeting 18 months
Minimum Entry 30K
$11M revenue generated since launch
Made profit in years' 1 and 2 of operation
Projected $30M revenue over the next 12 months
Request a Brochure
Data Storage is too expensive, we only store 2% of the data we
The more we produce the more we lose.
If you were able to store the entire Global Datasphere on DVDs,
then you would have a stack of DVDs that could get you to the moon 23
times or circle Earth 222 times.
The experienced advisory team includes top minds from companies
such as Oracle, IBM, and Dell. Each advisor has their own unique
experiences in building and supplying data storage and cloud services
to some of the biggest companies in the world.
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