Follow-up : Speaker Opportunities Available

Magnetic Materials 2022 magneticmaterials at
Wed Feb 2 05:32:41 GMT 2022

To Researcher,


We would like to solicit your gracious presence as a speaker/delegate at the
upcoming 3rd International Webinar on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials to be
commenced from April 18-19, 2022, as a virtual event.

Magnetic Materials webinar, a two-day event. We cordially look forward for
your participation as a speaker for the prestigious event, oral and poster
presentations of peer-reviewed contributed papers and exciting and
innovative research products which can be exhibited for further development
in Magnetism.


Website:  <>
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

For any query, kindly let me know. I'll be happy to help your honour.

Waiting for your valuable updates.

Best Regards

Simon Peter

Program Manager | Magnetic Materials 2022

Dial: +1-718-543-9362

WhatsApp: +1-716-320-1018

Email:  <mailto:magneticmaterials at>
magneticmaterials at  



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