<script type="text/javascript">
// pageChanged & sizeChanged functions are needed in every model file
// other functions for model should also be in here to avoid conflicts
var embedDiv = new function() {
// function called every time the page is viewed after it has initially loaded
this.pageChanged = function() {
// function called every time the size of the LO is changed
this.sizeChanged = function() {
this.init = function() {
var $pageContents = $("#pageContents"),
$iFrameHolder = $pageContents;
if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("text") != undefined && x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("text") != "") {
if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("align") != "Right") {
$pageContents.html('<div class="splitScreen"><div class="left" tabindex="1">' + x_addLineBreaks(x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("text")) + '</div><div class="right"></div></div>');
$iFrameHolder = $pageContents.find(".right");
if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("windowWidth") == "Small") {
$("#pageContents .splitScreen").addClass("large");
} else if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("windowWidth") == "Large") {
$("#pageContents .splitScreen").addClass("small");
} else {
$pageContents.html('<div class="splitScreen"><div class="left"></div><div class="right" tabindex="1">' + x_addLineBreaks(x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("text")) + '</div></div>');
$iFrameHolder = $pageContents.find(".left");
if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("windowWidth") == "Small") {
$("#pageContents .splitScreen").addClass("medium");
} else if (x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("windowWidth") == "Large") {
$("#pageContents .splitScreen").addClass("xlarge");
var pageSrc = x_currentPageXML.getAttribute("src");
if (pageSrc.substr(0, 1) == "<") { // insert html directly
} else { // use iframe to load web page
var iFrameTag = '<iframe id="iFrame" src="' + pageSrc + '" width="100%" height="' + embedDiv.calcHeight() + '"></iframe>';
// call this function in every model once everything's loaded
this.calcHeight = function() {
var frameHeight;
if (x_browserInfo.mobile == false) {
frameHeight = $x_pageHolder.height() - parseInt($x_pageDiv.css("padding-top")) * 3;
} else {
frameHeight = $x_mobileScroll.height() - $x_headerBlock.height() - $x_footerBlock.height() - (parseInt($x_pageDiv.css("padding-top")) * 2) - 3;
return frameHeight;
<style type="text/css">
#iFrame {
background-color: white;
<div id="pageContents">