<div>I'm getting errors when I get to Page 3 of the setup process for the Online Toolkit. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Maybe the issues relate to my lack of knowledge of MySQL. I am hosting at BlueHost. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Via CPanel I go to MySQL Databases and see there is a database with: </div>
<div>name: brucesne_xerte</div>
<div>users: brucesne_bruce and brucesne_xerte (both have ALL privileges)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I've tried letting the wizard create the database and tried creating an empty one myself. For this attempt I have an empty database</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I run the Setup wizard at <a href="http://www.brucesnell.com/xerte/setup/">http://www.brucesnell.com/xerte/setup/</a> </div>
<li>I chose Full Install</li>
<li>I believe my installation meets all the requirements</li>
<li>On page 1 (DB Creation) I enter: </li>
<li>host: localhost</li>
<li>user: brucesne_bruce</li>
<li>password: [the correct password]</li>
<li>db name: brucesne_xerte</li>
<li>prefix: [left blank]</li></ul>
<li>Page 2 says db successfully created. At this page I enter: </li>
<li>user: brucesne_bruce [in other attempts I also tried just bruce]</li>
<li>pw: [the correct passsword]</li></ul>
<li>On Page 3:</li>
<li>I leave all defaults except for admin user and password. For this I use the same account for Cpanel login:</li>
<li>admin: brucesne</li>
<li>pw: correct password</li></ul></ul>
<div>I get the dreaded "No Database Selected" error. Here's an example: </div>
<div><em>The sitedetails site ID query insert into sitedetails(site_id) VALUES ( "1") has failed due to No database selected<br>The sitedetails site url query update sitedetails set site_url="<a href="http://www.brucesnell.com/xerte/">http://www.brucesnell.com/xerte/</a>" where site_id="1" has failed due to No database selected<br>
The sitedetails apache query update sitedetails set apache="false" where site_id="1" has failed due to No database selected<br>The sitedetails apache query update sitedetails set apache="false" where site_id="1" has failed due to No database selected<br>
The sitedetails mimetypes query update sitedetails set mimetypes="text/xml,application/msword,application/x-shockwave-flash,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,image/png,image/gif,image/x-png,audio/mpeg,application/vnd.ms-excel,application/pdf,application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,video/x-ms-wmv,text/html,video/mp4,video/avi,audio/wav,text/plain,video/quicktime" where site_id="1" has failed due to No database selected</em></div>
<div><em>[it goes on for quite a bit longer.]</em><br></div>
<div> </div>
<div>I believe the security on the folders is set correctly to 777. </div>
<div>Database.php in the root of xerte folder includes the following: </div>
<div><?PHP /**<br>* <br>* database page, has the settings for database connection<br>*<br>* @author Patrick Lockley<br>* @version 1.0<br>* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008,2009 University of Nottingham<br>* @package<br>*/</div>
<div>/*<br>* Host where database is<br>*/<br>$xerte_toolkits_site->database_host = "localhost";</div>
<div>/*<br>* Username for database<br>*/<br>$xerte_toolkits_site->database_username ="brucesne_bruce";</div>
<div>/*<br>* Password for database<br>*/<br>$xerte_toolkits_site->database_password ="[correct password]";</div>
<div>/*<br>* Database name<br>*/<br>$xerte_toolkits_site->database_name ="xerte";</div>
<div>/*<br>* Database table prefix<br>*/<br>$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix ="";<br>?></div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Can anyone lend a hand? </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Thanks, </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Tom Sliker</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Tom Sliker / : \<br><a href="http://www.BroadstreetConsulting.net">www.BroadstreetConsulting.net</a><br></div>