.hmmessage P
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All perpetual really means is 'don't wait for the interaction to exit -<BR>carry on into the page';<BR>
Ah. OK.<BR>
create a page<BR>give it id 'myPage'<BR> <BR>add a script: <BR>
You mean rightclick myPage and "Add Script"?<BR>
That creates a script icon below the page right?<BR>
Isn't that a different icon than the one referenced further down (myPage)<BR>
==<BR>myXML = new XML('<request/>');<BR>myPage.sendAndLoad(myXML, URLforXML); //you must send an xml packet -<BR>even a small one<BR>
Yes, tripped over that one yesterday ;-)<BR>
add an interaction with an event response:<BR>icon: myPage<BR>eventName: onSendAndLoad<BR> <BR>add asc ript to the response:<BR>debug(myPage.serverXML); //is the xml object created from the loaded<BR>file;<BR>debug(myPage.templateData);//is the xml2object result from serverXML<BR> <BR>====<BR>
Nothing. No debug window pops.<BR>
<BR> <BR><br /><hr />Need to know now? Get instant answers with Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/connect_your_way.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_messenger_072008' target='_new'>IM on your terms.</a></body>