[Xerte] Change LO with URL parameters

Fay Cross Fay.Cross at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Apr 27 16:58:51 BST 2016

Someone asked at the developer day (Inge?) about the different parameters that can be added to Xerte URLs to change how the LO displays. Here's a list of the current ones:

Change display mode set in editor:
or specify the dimensions in pixels (width,height) e.g. display=600,600
For example: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/toolkits/play_8203?display=600,600

Hide the header/footer bars:
For example: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/toolkits/play_8203?hide=top

Change the interface used (not particularly useful now but was useful in past for testing how an old project would look if changed to HTML interface)
For example: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/toolkits/play_8203&engine=flash

Use more than one parameter at a time by using this format:

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