[Xerte] latex/stripslashes/magic quotes etc

Ron Mitchell ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
Mon Jan 21 17:04:22 GMT 2013

Hi all

this has been discussed previously but in different threads and I decided it
would be worth summarising and checking this in a new thread...


In previous discussions it's clear that depending on php configuration
previewing and/or publishing was/is stripping slashes to the point that
latex code had all slashes removed and therefore didn't work. There was a
suggestion of using ini_set( 'magic_quotes_gpc', true ); in save.php but
it's not clear if that resolved the issue.


I have an installation (linux) where this is happening so as a test I turned
on magic_quotes_gpc server wide but that hasn't resolved the issue. Also I
read that magic quotes has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of
PHP 5.4.0.


So what's the solution to this? Why is it working ok on the Nottingham
install but not for me and others? Or is it?




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