[Xerte] Re: Xerte 2.17 Glossary / relative links / css classes

KnowledgeWare knowledgeware at kccsoft.com
Wed Mar 28 23:20:14 BST 2012



Jonathan - any timeline for any of the connector pages being at the demo
site above? And.does anyone know if there is any type of a demo page like
that for the android toolkit example apps?


BTW - I think the translator page is not working at the link above - just
'Null' shows up on the translated field.


Re the menu connector: what would be very useful to me is a way to indicate
to the user that a menu section had been completed - such as with a green
checkmark, etc., especially if held in an array that could be written to a
database and read back in when the user next logs in - so their completed
parts are checked off.


"Menu Connector - this is slightly different from the other connectors in
that it builds a list of links to pages automatically, you can have all the
pages in a project or you can specify a start page ID and an end page "page
ID" and it will then just list those pages that fall between those to page
IDs inclusive. It displays similar to the current menu option in Toolkits."




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