[Xerte] Xerte 2.17 Glossary / relative links / css classes

Panke, Stefanie panke at sog.unc.edu
Tue Mar 20 14:57:22 GMT 2012

I have - yet again - a few questions.

1. Glossary
I think I found a bug of sorts while using the Xerte 2.17 glossary: When using terms with brackets or apostrophes, the term stops working as a hotspot – probably because it interferes with  the scripting syntax, e.g., "Home Owners' Association (HOA)". Is there a workaround for this?
2. Relative Links
Relative hyperlinks do not work in Xerte, do they? I have additional reading material in PDF format to include in my course material. My initial idea was to create a local directory and
3. CSS classes
Connected to the PDF material, I would like to use link classes in my additional CSS stylesheet. In the learning  object, I have enabled the stylesheet and it work fine for defining the link color for external hyperlinks. Now, I would like to go a step further and add icons for links to PDF documents - ideally by parsing the file extension or otherwise by using a fake CSS class. Both approaches don't seem to work. Has anyone tried this before? Is there a structural reason for this not to work?

I am attempting something like this:

In stylesheet (my_style.css):
a.pdf {
padding-right: 18px;
background:url(pdf_icon.gif) no-repeat center right;

In Xerte file:
<a href="" class="pdf"> </a>

It should place a pdf icon after the hyperlink.

4. I have started to work on a brief "Getting started with Xerte 2.17" guide, that pretty much mirrors my learning curve over the past few weeks. Here's my preliminary structure - feedback welcome:

1. Which Xerte is right for me?

2. Basic Set-up for the Learning Object
- Set the stage size
- Include a logo
- Make external hyperlinks visible
- Allow copy and paste
- Include Print button
- position / make permanent
- print script
- Include Help

3. Troubleshoots & Testing
- Xerte Mailinglist & Wiki
- Adjust Flash Player settings for accurate preview
- Test layout in different text sizes!

4. Functionality within pages
- Add text and images
- Position text and images
- Add scrollbar (important for resizing text!)
- Add Nested Pages
- Add interactive elements
- Install Page Wizards
- Use wizard templates
Create the folder before using the wizard, one folder per page
- Adjust wizard templates (information on specific templates)
Image Viewer: Add additional text fields, adjust image size

5. Hyperlinks & Navigation
- Add internal links
- Add external links
- in scripts
- in plain text
- Add Glossary
- Add Chapter overview (if you publish a complex, long learning object, you might want to produce one Xerte per chapter and create and introductory screen displaying the whole structure)

6. Publish Xerte


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