[Xerte] FW: exporting from sandpit and importing to our own XOT installation

Alistair McNaught Alistair.McNaught at HEAcademy.ac.uk
Thu Jan 19 12:11:08 GMT 2012

Hi all
I picked this up from teacher list but it more properly belongs in here so any ideas? I'll ask Oli to ensure he's subscribed in here to pick up the answers.


From: A list to facilitate and support teachers using Xerte Online Toolkits [mailto:XERTEFORTEACHERS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Oliver Haslam
Sent: 19 January 2012 12:05
Subject: exporting from sandpit and importing to our own XOT installation


We finally have our own installation of XOT and I'd like to transfer the LOs I've made in the sandpit to our own version of XOT. But I'm having a few problems. Any help would be very gratefully received!

I can export from the sandpit as a straightforward "zip export" without any problems. And I can import the .zip into our own version of XOT okay but when I try to play the newly imported LO I get an error message saying "ERROR: The file modules/Xerte/parent_t" and it won't play.

So I tried to export from the sandpit in different formats to see if that works. When I try to export as a "Zip (local) export" or as a "SCORM + metadata export" I am immediately logged out of the sandpit and taken to the login page:  http://xerte5.techdis.palepurple.co.uk/

I can export from the sandpit as a "Scorm export" but when I try to import the .zip into our own XOT I get a message saying "Upload checkFile transfer has failed.****Only Xerte templates are currently imported." And can go no further.

Perhaps our version of XOT is not installed/configured correctly? But it seems the sandpit is not happy either...

Any suggestions?



Oliver Haslam
Course Developer (Technologist)
Applied Sciences & Allied Health Professions

Technology Enhanced Learning
University of the West of England
T: 0117 32 88215

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