[Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: System #2

Steve Ricketts velocedge at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 8 14:02:40 GMT 2010

System 2


That change removed the error from the initial page, but there are still errors, both JS and php, in other pages.  You know, I can't help but think a lot of this was caused in the initial installation when I got the original errors on page4 of the install (bottom of this post).  Anyway, here are some of the errors still coming up:


Tried edit.php

Notice: Undefined variable: xerte_toolkits_site in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\edit.php on line 34

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\edit.php on line 34

Tried Preview, nothing shows on screen, but JS error shows:

Message: Syntax error
Line: 31
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.cade-etutor.com/xertetoolkits/preview.php?template_id=1

Notice:  Undefined index:  linkID in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\modules\xerte\preview.php on line 47


Creating a new project gives JS error on:

var neweditorwindow = window.open(site_url + url_return("edit" , xmlHttp.responseText), "editwindow" + xmlHttp.responseText, "height=665, width=800" );

Notice:  Undefined variable: query_reponse in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\website_code\php\template_library.php on line 21



Subject: RE: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 12:50:32 +0000
From: Patrick.Lockley at nottingham.ac.uk
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk

                mysql_select_db($xerte_toolkits_site->database_name) or die($database_fail = true);
                * database failing code
lines 43-49 of database_library.php
suggest putting a line above the mysql_select along the lines of
$database_fail = false;
Then seeing what happens

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Steve Ricketts
Sent: 08 March 2010 12:28
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: Re: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected

SYSTEM 2 - Windows Server 2003, IIS 6


I'm going to start referring to these by number these because I'm having different problems on two different systems.  Hopefully, the solutions will both relate.


When I click Create Project, I get a JS error on line 1183 var neweditorwindow = window.open(site_url + url_return("edit",xmlHttp.responseText,"editwindow"  + xmlHttp.responseText, "height=665,width=800");


It's caused by the responseText having three undefined variable errors.  Two in database_library.php (database_fail) at line 49 and one in template_library.php (query_response) on line 21


Keep in mind that there is already an error message on the index page (demo.php) of Notice:  Undefined variable: database_fail in <b>C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\website_code\php\database_library.php on line 49





From: Steve Ricketts 

Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:57 PM

To: Xerte discussion list 

Subject: RE: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected

I tried to install Xerte on another computer and made sure I applied the lessons learned.  All defaults in the parameters were taken (except the database of course).  This is a Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 so it was a little different.  Here's the output from page 4 and then index.php and demo.txt (changed to index.php).
Notice: Use of undefined constant get_magic_quotes_gpc - assumed 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\setup\page4.php on line 9
The sitedetails site ID query succeeded 
The sitedetails site url query succeeded 
The sitedetails apache query succeeded 
The sitedetails apache query succeeded 
The sitedetails mimetypes query succeeded 
The sitedetails LDAP preference query succeeded 
The sitedetails LDAP preference query succeeded 
The sitedetails LDAP_filter query succeeded 
The sitedetails integration_config_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails admin_username query succeeded 
The sitedetails admin_password query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_session_name query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_title query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_name query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_logo query succeeded 
The sitedetails organisational_logo query succeeded 
The sitedetails welcome_message query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_text query succeeded 
The sitedetails news_text query succeeded 
The sitedetails pod_one query succeeded 
The sitedetails pod_two query succeeded 
The sitedetails copyright query succeeded 
The sitedetails rss_title query succeeded 
The sitedetails synd_publisher query succeeded 
The sitedetails synd_rights query succeeded 
The sitedetails synd_license query succeeded 
The sitedetails demonstration_page query succeeded 
The sitedetails form_string query succeeded 
The sitedetails peer_form_string query succeeded 
The sitedetails module_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails website_code_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails users_file_area_short query succeeded 
The sitedetails php_library_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails import_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails root_file_path query update sitedetails set root_file_path='c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xertetoolkits\' where site_id="1" has failed due to You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xertetoolkits\' where site_id="1"' at line 1
The sitedetails play_edit_preview_queryquery succeeded 
The sitedetails error_log_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails email_error_list query succeeded 
The sitedetails error_log_message query succeeded 
Notice: Undefined index: max_error_size in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\setup\page4.php on line 587
The sitedetails max_error_size query succeeded 
The sitedetails error_email_message query succeeded 
The sitedetails ldap_host query succeeded 
The sitedetails ldap_port query succeeded 
The sitedetails bind_pwd query succeeded 
The sitedetails basedn query succeeded 
The sitedetails bind_dn query succeeded 
The sitedetails flash_save_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails flash_upload_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails flash_preview_check_path query succeeded 
The sitedetails flash_flv_skin query succeeded 
The sitedetails site_email_account query succeeded 
The sitedetails headers query succeeded 
The sitedetails email_to_add_to_username query succeeded 
The sitedetails proxy1 query succeeded 
The sitedetails port1 query succeeded 
The sitedetails feedback_list query succeeded 
Install complete 
Your site URL is www.svr.com/xertetoolkits/ 
If you have installed this on a public facing server, please look to remove the php file you are not planning to use. Index, demo, integration, webctlink and management.php all can access the site in some way. You should rename the files you do not plan to use. 
Please see the Xerte site at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte and please consider joining the mailing list. 
[INDEX.PHP (original)]
Notice: Undefined variable: form_string in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\index.php on line 39

[Demo changed to index.php]
Notice:  Undefined variable: database_fail in <b>C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\website_code\php\database_library.php on line 49
Notice:  Undefined index:  toolkits_logon_username in <b>C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XerteToolkits\website_code\php\database_library.php on line 57

It throws excepts on pretty much any page you try to call, but I assume it's all connected to the original problem... whatever that is.

From: velocedge at hotmail.com
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 16:51:30 -0500

Ah, sorry... I was one e-mail off... In regard to the errors on page 4, that was resolved when I put the database name in database.php.  It was after that, the sitedetails table was populated.  You know, the strange thing was that the host name, user, and password were there, just no database name.
I've never used fiddler, but I downloaded it and ran edit.php... not sure what it means but I did get a red line, can't find the following file:
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "learnnet" claiming to be http://learnnet:80/xertetoolkits/USER-FILES/1-guest-Nottingham/preview.xml?myvar=1267992069172 
Nothing is in that directory so makes sense but wondering why it can't write to that directory.  NTFS permissions have been set to full access for Everyone, Network Services, and IUSR just to make sure.

Subject: RE: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 19:10:17 +0000
From: Patrick.Lockley at nottingham.ac.uk
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk

Your later paragraphs may well reflect the fact your sitedetails table is basically empty, as your setup failed.

SR: Actually, no.  The sitedetails table is full of entries.  It was the php_library_path field that I thought might have been incorrect... turns out, it wasn't!.. so I put it back.


Well, all page 4 of the installer does is populate this table. So to get errors - the table wouldn't be populated?


Switching from index to demo will not really achieve anything other than removing the requirement for LDAP.

SR: Yep, that's what I was going for.  The developers will enter through our LMS and as such will have already been authenticated.


Then ignore demo, and use integration.txt


Locked buttons - in the editor window? that's usually mimetypes, I would put fiddler on your pc, and see if the xwd is being loaded. I'd expect to see it appear in red.



From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Steve Ricketts
Sent: Sun 07/03/2010 16:35
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: Re: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected

Amazing!!  Just like magic, thanks!  For some reason the database name was blank in database.php.  Switched demo.txt to index.php.  Works fine now... the setup that is.  


Thought I was home free, but tried to create a project.  That went fine.  Tried to edit... that didn't.  Got a 500 error.  Checked properties of that project.  Got a JS error yelling about properties_ajax_php_path being undefined.  Tried edit again... no 500 error but display basically locked.   Not "locked" locked, just the buttons didn’t to anything.  Exited the window, go another JS error: on line 30, window_reference.edit_window_close_path(path)


Figured I had something wrong in the php path, took your #3 suggestion, and found php_library_path field in sitedetails table set to website_code/PHP/... thought I missed a config parameter and changed it to where my PHP install physically resides (c:\program files (x86)\PHP\)... not a good thing to do!  Nothing worked.  Decided I didn't know what the H I'm doing and better post before I destroy more. 




PS.  php_library_path returned to normal.


From: RonM 

Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 10:12 AM

To: 'Xerte discussion list' 

Subject: RE: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected


Hi Steve
I’ve had this kind of problem on windows/IIS installations too. So a couple of suggestions but from memory...
1.       Try the installation again but before you submit page3 to page 4 check database.php which should be created automatically in the root of your install but may not have all the correct values. If it doesn’t edit that so that it does and then submit page 3 to page 4.
2.       If that all works remember that if you haven’t used ldap you will need to rename index.php and either use switch.txt or demo.txt renamed to index.php
3.       If steps 2 & 3 don’t work check the site details table for errors if some of the paths are incorrect try fixing those in the database.
Pat may have other suggestions but try this and post back to the list.

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Steve Ricketts
Sent: 07 March 2010 14:41
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: [Xerte] Full install failing on page 4: No database selected

I'm trying a new full install on Windows Vista with IIS.  It creates the database fine but when I get to the 4th page there are a ton of errors all ending with no database selected.  I've changed the setup/database.txt file to reflect the current installation (found that in post) but there is no change in the errors.  I basically left the mysql information on page3.php alone.  Can anyone help me to the next step?





PS. Regarding the discussion of forum vs. e-mail, as a newcomer the response of the e-mail replies is terrific and very helpful.  However, what I really would like is a way to easily look back at a threaded discussion on a specific issue... I have many I need to chase and am reluctant to ask questions about every silly thing that pops into my head.   Today, I used the newly reference search function to find some information on the problem mentioned above, but it was very difficult to follow.  There are multiple topics in the threads and it's easy to loose your way... I'm not sure I found all the references.


Is there no way to have your cake and eat it too... (then again what's the purpose of having the cake in the first place!) where you can e-mail each post in a forum to the mailing list?   You could have your forum topic areas and those that wanted to follow that route could deal with a regular forum (sub topics, search threads, etc.) and the mailing list people still get to receive each post in their e-mail.

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