[Xerte] Xerte3: scope of vars

Peter Huppertz peter.huppertz at baselgovernance.org
Thu Jul 1 16:41:20 BST 2010

I have the following tree

- canvas1
-- viewstackicon
--- canvas1-1
---- eventHandler for event "show", setting var foo = "bar";
- canvas2
-- eventHandler for event "show", debug(foo) // not output

I show canvas2 by clicking a button after canvas1 is loaded. The show event fires (tested it with debug). I thought that all vars I declare are somehow global in Xerte, but that is not the truth, is it?

Peter Huppertz
E-learning and IT Specialist
International Centre for Asset Recovery
Basel Institute on Governance
Phone: +41 61 205 55 18
Fax: +41 61 267 55 19

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