[Xerte] Problem installing Toolkits 1.5 build 17/12/09

Natalie Brown natalie at occumax.com.au
Wed Jan 13 23:12:31 GMT 2010


I have recently tried to install the latest build (17/12/09) of Toolkits 
1.5 on a stand alone computer using XAMMP but am having trouble getting 
it to run. Toolkits appears to install fine and I get the page "Toolkits 
has been successfully installed". When I follow the link to 
http://localhost/xertetoolkits I get directed to the "Welcome to Xerte 
Web Toolkits page" but it appears with lots of code then at the bottom 
it has the "My projects" box looking somewhat normal with the message: 
*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function list_users_projects() in 
*C:\xampp\htdocs\xertetoolkits\index.php* on line *89. *I have copied 
what I see on the screen below this message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*Natalie Brown MHthSc(OT) BHlthSc(OT) SIPT AccOT
Occupational Therapist & Director

Occumax Logo

Phone: +61 7 4953 5555
Fax: +61 7 4953 5555
Mobile: 0447 43 2255
email: natalie at occumax.com.au <mailto:natalie at occumax.com.au>
Web: www.occumax.com.au <http://www.occumax.com.au/>

Address: 2/175a Shakespeare St, Mackay QLD 4740, Australia
Postal Address: PO Box 11140, Mackay Canelands QLD 4740, Australia

database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where login_id =\"" . 
$_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\" and folder_parent=\"" . $folder_id 
. "\""; $query_response = mysql_query($query); while($row = 
mysql_fetch_array($query_response)){ echo "

" . str_replace("_", " ", $row['folder_name']) . "

"; list_folder_contents_event_free($row['folder_id']); echo "
"; } } /** * * Function list files in this folder event free * This 
function is used in the folder properties tab to display files * @param 
string $folder_id = The id of the folder we are checking * @version 1.0 
* @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
list_files_in_this_folder_event_free($folder_id){ global 
$xerte_toolkits_site; $query = "select template_name, template_id from " 
. $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templatedetails where 
template_id in ( select " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix 
. "templaterights.template_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights where 
user_id =\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\" and folder=\"" . 
$folder_id . "\") order by " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"templatedetails.date_created ASC"; $query_response = 
mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_response)){ 
echo "

" . str_replace("_", " ", $row['template_name']) . "

"; } } /** * * Function list folder contents event free * This function 
is used as part of the recursion with the above two functions * @param 
string $folder_id = The id of the folder we are checking * @version 1.0 
* @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
list_files_in_this_folder_event_free($folder_id); } /** * * Function 
list folder in this folder * This function is used as part of the 
recursion to display the main file system * @param string $folder_id = 
The id of the folder we are checking * @param string $sort_type = A 
variable which dictates how we are sorting this * @version 1.0 * @author 
Patrick Lockley */ function list_folders_in_this_folder($folder_id, 
$sort_type){ /* * use the global level for folder indenting */ global 
$level, $xerte_toolkits_site; /* * select the folders in this folder */ 
$query="select folder_id, folder_name from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where 
login_id =\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\" and 
folder_parent=\"" . $folder_id . "\" "; /* * Add some more to the query 
to sort the files */ if($sort_type=="alpha_down"){ $query.=" order by 
folder_name DESC"; }else if($sort_type=="alpha_up"){ $query.=" order by 
folder_name ASC"; }else if($sort_type=="date_down"){ $query.=" order by 
date_created DESC"; }else if($sort_type=="date_up"){ $query.=" order by 
date_created ASC"; } $query_response = mysql_query($query); /* * recurse 
through the folders */ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_response)){ 
$query_for_folder_content="select template_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights where 
folder=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\" UNION SELECT folder_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where 
folder_parent=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\""; 
$query_response_for_folder_content = 
mysql_query($query_for_folder_content); /* * Use level to nest the 
folders */ echo "

" . str_replace("_", " ", $row['folder_name']) . "

"; }else{ echo " src=\"website_code/images/Icon_Folder.gif\" 
id=\"folder_" . $row['folder_id'] . "_image\" />" . str_replace("_", " 
", $row['folder_name']) . "
"; list_folder_contents($row['folder_id'], $sort_type); } echo "
"; } } /** * * Function list files in this folder * This function is 
used as part of the recursion to display the main file system * @param 
string $folder_id = The id of the folder we are checking * @param string 
$sort_type = A variable which dictates how we are sorting this * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
list_files_in_this_folder($folder_id, $sort_type){ global $level, 
$xerte_toolkits_site; $query = "select template_name, template_id from " 
. $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templatedetails where 
template_id in ( select " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix 
. "templaterights.template_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights where 
user_id =\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\" and folder=\"" . 
$folder_id . "\") "; if($sort_type=="alpha_down"){ $query.="order by " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"templatedetails.template_name DESC"; }else if($sort_type=="alpha_up"){ 
$query.="order by " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"templatedetails.template_name ASC"; }else if($sort_type=="date_down"){ 
$query.="order by " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"templatedetails.date_created DESC"; }else if($sort_type=="date_up"){ 
$query.="order by " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"templatedetails.date_created ASC"; } $query_response = 
mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_response)){ 
echo "
" . str_replace("_", " ", $row['template_name']) . "
"; } } /** * * Function list folder contents * This function is used as 
part of the recursion to display the main file system * @param string 
$folder_id = The id of the folder we are checking * @param string 
$sort_type = A variable which dictates how we are sorting this * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
list_folder_contents($folder_id, $sort_type){ global $level; $level++; 
list_folders_in_this_folder($folder_id, $sort_type); 
list_files_in_this_folder($folder_id, $sort_type); $level--; } /** * * 
Function list users projects * This function is used as part of the 
recursion to display the main file system * @param string $sort_type = A 
variable which dictates how we are sorting this * @version 1.0 * @author 
Patrick Lockley */ function list_users_projects($sort_type){ /* * Called 
by index.php to start off the process */ global $level, 
$xerte_toolkits_site; $root_folder = get_user_root_folder(); /* * Create 
the workspace folder */ echo "


"; $level=1; list_folder_contents(get_user_root_folder(),$sort_type); 
$query = "select folder_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where 
folder_name=\"recyclebin\" and login_id =\"" . 
$_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\""; $query_response = 
mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_response); 
$level=1; $query_for_folder_content="select template_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights where 
folder=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\" UNION SELECT folder_id from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where 
folder_parent=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\""; 
$query_response_for_folder_content = 
mysql_query($query_for_folder_content); echo "
"; /* * Display the recycle bin */ echo "

Recycle Bin

"; list_folder_contents($row['folder_id'],$sort_type); echo "
"; } /** * * Function list users projects * This function is used to 
display all the unrestricted templates (Access to whom = *) * @version 
1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function list_blank_templates(){ /* * 
note the access rights to discern what templates this user can see */ 
global $xerte_toolkits_site; $query_for_blank_templates = "select * from 
" . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . 
"originaltemplatesdetails where access_rights=\"*\" and active=true 
order by date_uploaded DESC"; $query_for_blank_templates_response = 
mysql_query($query_for_blank_templates); while($row = 
mysql_fetch_array($query_for_blank_templates_response)){ echo "

"; echo $row['display_name']; echo "

"; echo $row['description']; /* * If no example don't display the link 
*/ if($row['display_id']!=0){ echo "

See example 
| "; }else{ echo "
"; } echo "Create 
"; echo "Enter a name for this project

"; } /* * once done listing the blank templates, list if any the 
specific templates available for this user */ list_specific_templates(); 
} /** * * Function access check * This function is used to assess which 
specific usernames match the access to whom value * @param string 
$security_details = the masks used for this template to limit its 
display * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
access_check($security_details){ $list = explode(",",$security_details); 
while($dev_mask = array_pop($list)){ if(strpos($dev_mask,"*")!=0){ 
return true; } }else{ 
if(strcmp($dev_mask,$_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'])==0){ return 
true; } } } return false; } /** * * Function list specific templates * 
This function is used to display templates with access restrictions * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
list_specific_templates(){ global $xerte_toolkits_site; 
$query_for_blank_templates = "select * from " . 
$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "originaltemplatesdetails 
where access_rights!=\"*\" order by date_uploaded DESC"; 
$query_for_blank_templates_response = 
mysql_query($query_for_blank_templates); while($row = 
if(access_check($row['access_rights'])){ echo "

"; echo $row['display_name']; echo "

"; echo $row['description']; echo "

See example 
| Create 
"; echo "Enter a name for this project

"; } } } /** * * Function login page format top * This function is used 
as part of the display of Index.php * @param string $buffer = A HTML 
string to work on * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
login_page_format_top($buffer){ global $xerte_toolkits_site; $buffer = 
str_replace("{{site_title}}", $xerte_toolkits_site->site_title , 
$buffer); $buffer = str_replace("{{site_logo}}", 
$xerte_toolkits_site->site_logo , $buffer); $buffer = 
$xerte_toolkits_site->organisational_logo , $buffer); $buffer = 
str_replace("{{welcome_message}}", $xerte_toolkits_site->welcome_message 
, $buffer); return $buffer; } /** * * Function login page format top * 
This function is used to display the index.php HTML * @param string 
$buffer = A HTML string to work on * @version 1.0 * @author Patrick 
Lockley */ function login_page_format_bottom($buffer){ global 
$xerte_toolkits_site; $buffer = str_replace("{{demonstration_page}}", 
$xerte_toolkits_site->demonstration_page , $buffer); $buffer = 
str_replace("{{site_text}}", $xerte_toolkits_site->site_text , $buffer); 
$buffer = str_replace("{{news}}", $xerte_toolkits_site->news_text , 
$buffer); $buffer = str_replace("{{copyright}}", 
$xerte_toolkits_site->copyright , $buffer); return $buffer; } /** * * 
Function login page format middle * This function is used to display the 
index.php HTML * @param string $buffer = A HTML string to work on * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
logged_in_page_format_middle($buffer){ global $xerte_toolkits_site; 
$buffer = str_replace("{{pod_one}}", $xerte_toolkits_site->pod_one , 
$buffer); $buffer = str_replace("{{pod_two}}", 
$xerte_toolkits_site->pod_two , $buffer); return $buffer; } /** * * 
Function error show template * This function is used to display a 
respinse when the users accesses a resource they have no right to * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
error_show_template(){ echo "An error has occured and as such you cannot 
edit at present"; } /** * * Function output locked file code * This 
function is used to display a message when a lock file is found * 
@version 1.0 * @author Patrick Lockley */ function 
output_locked_file_code($lock_file_creator){ echo "this file is in use 
by $lock_file_creator and will be made available to you when the current 
editor closes it down"; } ?>

What would you like to call your folder?

Log out <javascript:logout()>

My Projects

*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function list_users_projects() in 
*C:\xampp\htdocs\xertetoolkits\index.php* on line *89*

-------------- next part --------------
Skipped content of type multipart/related

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