[Xerte] Xerte Online Toolkits Installation Problem

A-P. Lian andrew.lian at andrewlian.com
Wed Apr 21 22:49:57 BST 2010

Dear All

I have downloaded the toolkits zipfile, transferred it to a directory on my
linux server, unzipped it and set the permissions correctly.

When I connect to the URL provided in the Toolkits' documentation (
http://myhost/myfolder) in order to proceed with the setup of the system, I
get mysql error messages. If I connect directly to
http://myhost/myfolder/setup I get the correct setup screens.

Is this where I should be? or is there a problem with the setup files?

When I continue further in the setup of the toolkits, the setup complains
that it cannot connect to the database and I suspect that this is because it
is looking in the setup directory for database.php which is created in the
root directory of the toolkits and not the setup directory.

It is possible of course that I did not properly fill in the setup form -
but I thought I would ask for some advice.

Thank you

Professor Dr Andrew Lian
Vice-President of AsiaCALL
Chair, Dept. of Foreign Languages
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL, 61455, USA
e-mail: AP-Lian at wiu.edu; website: http://www.andrewlian.com
Phone: +1 (309) 298-1558; Fax: +1 (309) 298-1060

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