[Xerte] Problem getting accurate count of pages in framework

Paul Swanson Paul.Swanson at harlandfs.com
Tue Oct 14 17:39:38 BST 2008

fw.pageCount in a script on the first page does the trick. I've been
using onInit and onOpenPage (I keep referring to it as onPageOpen...) in
the Entry Frame of the framework, should I have onInit in the Main Entry
Frame of the Interface? Except for the first page problem (solved by
using a separate script on that page), it seems that using fw.pageCount
with the onOpenPage event is all I need, and I can delete the onInit
Thanks again for all the great support, Jules!


	From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
	Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:11 AM
	To: Xerte discussion list
	Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate count of pages in

	So use onInit when the file initialises and onPageOpen
everywhere else?


	You could address the raw file data
fw.XMLElement.childNodes.length, but I'd try and avoid that if possible.
I don't think onPageOpen fires on the first page.. I'll check.


	From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Paul Swanson
	Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:05 PM
	To: Xerte discussion list
	Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate count of pages in


	Thanks Julian 


	This getting me closer, but I still have one issue: the
onPageOpen event doesn't seem to fire on the first page of the
framework, although it works correctly on subsequent pages, or when
navigating back to the first page. I'm using the standard framework
controls, rather than having navigation buttons part of the same
interaction as the onInit and onOpenPage events, so the flow goes right
into the first page of the framework. And if I add a script icon with
the setText() method, it still miscounts the number of pages. Any ideas?


	I like having the onOpenPage and onClosePage methods. I'm sure
I'll be making good use of those!



		From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
		Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:36 AM
		To: Xerte discussion list
		Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate count of
pages in framework

		Try this:






		From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Paul Swanson
		Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 10:08 PM
		To: Xerte discussion list
		Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate count of
pages in framework


		Here is what I have:


		A page off the Interface page with an id of 'aboutDP'
which contains a framework with an id of aboutDPFrame. The aboutDPFrame
has an Entry Frame, with an onInit event interaction (eventName =
onInit, icon = rootIcon, erase = 0, exit = 1). To this event is attached
a script icon with 'aboutDPpageCount = aboutDPFrame.pages.length;'. The
entry frame also includes a script icon with an id of 'aboutDPCounter'
positioned where I want the page numbers to appear.


		The framework has a number of pages, each with a script
icon (I'll change to the onPageOpen event once I've got the page count
working) with: aboutDPCounter.setText('Page ' +
(aboutDPFrame.currentPage + 1) + ' of ' + aboutDPCount);


		What prints is 'Page 1 of undefined', 'Page 2 of
undefined', etc. So I still must not have the event set up correctly...





			From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
			Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 1:08 PM
			To: Xerte discussion list
			Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate
count of pages in framework

			rootIcon fires onInit; all frameworks fire







			From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on
behalf of Paul Swanson
			Sent: Mon 13/10/2008 18:08
			To: Xerte discussion list
			Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting accurate
count of pages in framework

			I still have not got this to work. What icon id
should be used for the icon property of the Event Interaction? I've
tried the icon id of the framework, the icon id of the page holding the
framework, rootIcon, and the icon id of the first child page of the
framework -- in the first three cases I get 'undefined' as the value of
aboutDPFrame.pages.length, and in the last case I get 0 (which doesn't
surprise me). And should the onPageOpen be within the onInit event, or
should that be a separate event?





xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
				Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:43
				To: Xerte discussion list
				Subject: RE: [Xerte] Problem getting
accurate count of pages in framework

				An .rlo is an xml tree. It is parsed
sideways like an AW dive. Content is created as each node is


				//this is really what the engine does...

				function parse(node){ //a node from the
.rlo file's xml


				  //do things with the node - like
create an icon or execute some script

				  //instantiate classes using the
information from the xml node to create icons

				  //icons will intialise before this
code continues

				  //script icons are executed here too,
in engine scope


				  //then loop over each child of node,
calling this function recursively

				  for (var i = 0; i <
node.childNodes.length; i++){




				  //decide whether to break or continue?



				As the tree is parsed, the entry frame
and it's content is created. At this point the rest of the framework's
xml hasn't been parsed.


				Flow moves to the next child node of the
framework's xml - the first page. The page is created and it's content's
parsed. The second page hasn't been parsed yet, so 1 of 1 is expected. 


				Only then are the rest of the pages are
created - but - by definition - you cannot place code in page 1 that
will execute afterwards.


				for that very reason there is the onInit
event. This event is broadcast by rootIcon when the initial parse IS
complete. Use this in the entry frame to initialise your interface, and
use onPageClose / onPageOpen rather than have code in each page to set
the interface items. onInit will correct give you fw.pages.lenth, and
onPageClose / onPageOpen are more elegant / easier to maintain than code
on each page.





xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Paul Swanson
				Sent: Wed 08/10/2008 17:53
				To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
				Subject: [Xerte] Problem getting
accurate count of pages in framework

				I'm adding a "Page x of y" to a
framework, and I'm not getting the correct value for y (the number of
pages in the framework).

				I'm using an Entry Frame to the
framework, and within that is a text icon with an id of aboutDPCounter.
The framework id is aboutDPFrame. On each page, I include a script icon
with the following:

				aboutDPCounter.setText('Page ' +
(aboutDPFrame.currentPage + 1) + ' of ' + aboutDPFrame.pages.length; 

				When I enter the framework, which
currently has two pages of content, the page counter reads "Page 1 of
1." When I go to the next page, it reads "Page 2 of 2," and when I back
to the first page it reads "Page 1 of 2." If I then advance to page 2,
it reads "Page 2 of 2."

				What's going on? I would expect
myFramework.pages.length would be consistent. It appears as though it
doesn't count the page until you've actually navigated to it.


				 Paul Swanson 
				 Instructional Designer 
				 Harland Financial Solutions 
				 800.274.7280 Ext. 2462 
				 Paul.Swanson at harlandfs.com 

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