<div>The development aspect I am trying to avoid is anything that requires editing of the original flash files - I am not particularly experienced working in flash and now, when the software is so close to release might not be the best time to start learning.<br>
</div><div><br></div><div>As a test I have created a File / New type of project and added to the Learning Object an attribute "pages", simply by typing "pages" in the optional attributes box and then clicking the add button.</div>
<div><br></div><div>This adds the "pages" attribute to the LO object in the .rlo file.</div><div><br></div><div> <LO pages="true" name="Learning Object" language="en-GB"></div>
<div><br></div><div>How do I access this in Xerte?</div><div><br></div><div>IFC, rootIcon, or level0.engine all fail to return any of the attrributes of the Learning Object.</div><div>debug rootIcon.XMLElement returns the attributes of the IFC not the LO.</div>
<div><br></div><div>If I can find out how to access the xml attributes of the learning object then I can set up the models accordingly, but at present I have not found a way to test its value from a Xerte script icon.</div>
<div><br></div><div>As far as my Xerte understanding goes, changing the page icon's title attribute value from a script off the entryFrame will be to late to effect the TOC. The changing of the page icon's title attribute value must happen when the edit is completed and the xwd form closes and this can only be made to happen by making changes to the appropriate Flash files. </div>
<div><br></div><div>I want to help and to minimise any need to call on your time when you are busy.</div><div><br></div><div>If you can give me a pointer as to how to access the LO pages attribute that I have added I will add this to the pages.rlo file and update the models accordingly. That will leave the flash related bits to populate the page icon's title attribute to be tidied up.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Kind regards</div><div><br></div><div>Johnathan</div><br><div class="gmail_quote">On 10 July 2012 11:36, Julian Tenney <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk" target="_blank">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">You can probably tackle it before I can...<br>
<div class="im">________________________________________<br>
From: <a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a> [<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>] On Behalf Of Kemp Johnathan [<a href="mailto:johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com">johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com</a>]<br>
</div>Sent: 10 July 2012 09:55<br>
<div class="im">To: For Xerte technical developers<br>
Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: 1.8 Release<br>
</div><div class="im">A pages = true attribute would be a tidy solution.<br>
If you did that I could change the models to test for that instead of rootIcon.projMode which is currently set in the entryFrame script.<br>
I hope your week goes well.<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 10 July 2012 08:07, Julian Tenney <<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>>> wrote:<br>
I only added it yesterday. You can play around with it now, the basic logic is there. I might think about whether you can set a pages=true attribute on the LO icon to test? I'm busy a lot of this week with graduation,<br>
</div>From: <a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>> [<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>>] On Behalf Of Kemp Johnathan [<a href="mailto:johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com">johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com">johnathan.kemp@ntlworld.com</a>>]<br>
<div class="im">Sent: 09 July 2012 14:54<br>
To: For Xerte technical developers<br>
Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: 1.8 Release<br>
I must have missed something somewhere along the line - I didn't realise that you had added this code.<br>
Both "Pages" projects and ordinary Xerte projects created using file / new will have an ,rlo extension.<br>
File / New projects are named by the author e.g. myProject.rlo whilst "Pages" projects always have the file pages.rlo so testing for the existence of pages.rlo would be unique in all cases save the chance situation in which someone created a File / New project and decided to name their project "pages".<br>
A further possible identifier might be the existence of a folder called "pages" in the project folder. This folder does not exist when you create a "Pages" project. But it is created when you add the first page from the selection of pre-defined pages.<br>
"Pages" projects also have a a setup script that is a child of the entryFrame that includes the line<br>
rootIcon.projMode = "dev";<br>
This sets the variable that is tested for by every model file to identify if the project is a pages project or a XOT / pageTemplate project.<br>
However I am guessing that this will only e set at run time so would not be of use as a value to test for in the editor.<br>
If the optimum route was to add a property to the learning object then there are two approaches I can think of<br>
1. The learning object in a pages project has its own xwd form pages.xwd and it would be simple enough to add a property to that form as an identifier.<br>
2. A better solution might be to add a new property to the learning object itself - i.e. to show up in the learning object's property panel. (Would this require a change in the code that defines a learning object?)<br>
If either 1 or 2 were implemented as a solution then it might be tidier then to modify the test in the model files to use this value rather than a value set in a setup script.<br>
What do you think is best?<br>
Does any of the above give you the identifier you need?<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 9 July 2012 11:52, Julian Tenney <<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>>>> wrote:<br>
It’s not beyond your skills…<br>
In the wizard I have added this<br>
//in the change handler for the name field<br>
comp.change = function(obj){<br>
this.attributes['name'] = htmlToAtt(this.text);<br>
if (mdm != undefined){<br>
//set the TOC name in xerte for page projects<br>
mdm.Forms.editor.callFunction('setNameAttribute', this.text)<br>
And in the editor I have added this:<br>
function setNameAttribute(nameString){<br>
//set the name attribute for page projects<br>
if (tree.selectedNode.parentNode.childNodes.length > 2){<br>
</div> <a href="http://tree.selectedNode.attributes.name" target="_blank">tree.selectedNode.attributes.name</a><<a href="http://tree.selectedNode.attributes.name" target="_blank">http://tree.selectedNode.attributes.name</a>><<a href="http://tree.selectedNode.attributes.name" target="_blank">http://tree.selectedNode.attributes.name</a>> = nameString;<br>
<div class="im"> tree.dispatchEvent({type:"change", target:tree});<br>
What I need to know (and have asked before) is how to know it’s pages project? The bold line isn’t a good test for one…<br>
…but the logic goes<br>
If mdm exists we are on window xerte not toolkits, so call the function in the editor to set the attribute<br>
Ah! Wizard wants to set the name attribute. If this is a pages project, I should go ahead and set it. But how do I know it’s a pages project? It might be a big template…<br>
So, what is the best test? An .rlt extension denotes templates? A data property on LO? Must be easy to find out.<br>
</div>From: <a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>>> [mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk">xerte-dev-bounces@lists.nottingham.ac.uk</a>>>] On Behalf Of Kemp Johnathan<br>
<div class="im">Sent: 08 July 2012 08:02<br>
To: For Xerte technical developers<br>
Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: 1.8 Release<br>
Are we looking to release Xerte desktop at the same time as XOT?<br>
If so there are a few issues remaining with desktop Xerte, which are listed on Ron's spreadsheet.<br>
The most critical is the current inability to capture the page title for display in the TOC and on the displayed page.<br>
This is something that is outside of my skill set to rectify.<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 7 July 2012 17:53, Tom Reijnders <<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>>>> wrote:<br>
I am not going to commit anything global before the next release.<br>
All changes will be part of the 'language pack'.<br>
So, as far as I am concerned, nothing is prohibiting a release.<br>
Op 7-7-2012 15:46, Kemp Johnathan schreef:<br>
Many thanks.<br>
</div><div class="im">On 7 July 2012 08:47, Tom Reijnders <<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>>>> wrote:<br>
Sorry for the mistake. Corrected the spelling of your name :-).<br>
Op 7-7-2012 6:45, Kemp Johnathan schreef:<br>
OK, I successfully downloaded it this morning.<br>
Thanks for the mention on the copyright notice on the installer.<br>
Would you mind correcting the spelling of "Jonathan" in the copyright listing<br>
correct is "Johnathan"<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 6 July 2012 20:19, Tom Reijnders <<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>>>> wrote:<br>
No, my mistake, sorry.<br>
Please try again.<br>
Op 6-7-2012 16:26, Kemp Johnathan schreef:<br>
Hello Tom,<br>
I just tried to download the new xerte 1.8 beta from<br>
<a href="http://www.xerte.org.uk/beta/xerte-beta.exe" target="_blank">http://www.xerte.org.uk/beta/xerte-beta.exe</a><br>
but got an Access forbidden! Error 403 message displayed.<br>
Has the url changed or have I made a mistake in the url I am trying to use?<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 6 July 2012 09:51, Tom Reijnders <<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:reijnders@tor.nl">reijnders@tor.nl</a>>>> wrote:<br>
Xertetrans is operational again<br>
Latest xerte-beta is uploading as we speak....<br>
Will commit last changes to xot (if not too dangerous) later today.<br>
As far as I am concerned, xerte standalone is ready for (beta) release.<br>
Julian, I committed my inno setup file as well (it contains one line to include the Dutch translation of the wizards, but you might want to skip that)<br>
Op 6-7-2012 9:11, Tom Reijnders schreef:<br>
I'll finish up today.<br>
Op 5-7-2012 12:36, Kemp Johnathan schreef:<br>
I have just downloaded the current beta from Tom's site, installed it and run a few tests.<br>
The beta is not using the latest models from svn/runtime/pages/models.<br>
Also the issues currently identified in Ron's spreadsheet remain.<br>
I am am sorry but other than test them there is not much I can do about them.<br>
I have completed a range of pdt files to provide some support for the new stuff, with perhaps two omissions<br>
1. How the language features work<br>
2. How to create a new page in Xerte and add it to XOT (I wasn't sure if this would soon become obsolete in the light of the HTML5 developments.)<br>
Kind regards<br>
</div><div class="im">On 5 July 2012 10:20, Julian Tenney <<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk">Julian.Tenney@nottingham.ac.uk</a>>>> wrote:<br>
Fellow completer-finishers,<br>
Before we get distracted with new stuff, let’s finish off the existing stuff: did all the outstanding things that various people were going to do get done and are we ready to go?<br>
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TOR Informatica<br>
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Tel: 073 5226191<br>
Fax: 073 5226196<br>
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