[Xerte-dev] Re: Community Website

Inge Donkervoort | 12Change i.donkervoort at 12change.eu
Thu Apr 25 14:02:32 BST 2013


I added the last stylesheets from Nuno because we had a problem with the 
bullets. That last style sheet is messing things up right now. I will 
put the old style back (from yesterday) and than most of the problems 
are solved ;)
Nuno, we can look at the problem from the buttons later.

We can call the button Resources in the topmenu 'Downloads' than it's 
clear for everyone that the download is there.

I'm in a conference call right now but I try to sort this out later to day.


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On 25-04-2013 14:57, Alistair McNaught wrote:
> That's very odd -- I can't replicate those issues (except the 
> typography styles -- that's a consequence of things being written by 
> different people at different times and not yet having evolved a style 
> guide).
> The whole point -- to me -- about a community site is that it will 
> evolve. If we're encouraging community wider contribution we'll need 
> to accept a level of stylistic difference. I'm not getting any jumping 
> around of panels etc and I'm finding all the resources I expected to 
> on the Resources page.
> I think the question of whether a community site is ready to be 
> launched is a question for the community to decide and this little bit 
> of the community in southern England feels the benefits of the site 
> for new users far outweigh any current problems. What does the rest of 
> the community feel?
> We were planning on launching the site to the public tomorrow so a 
> consensus (or at least a quorum) view would be welcome sooner rather 
> than later!
> Alistair
> *From:*Julian Tenney [mailto:Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk]
> *Sent:* 25 April 2013 13:41
> *To:* For Xerte technical developers (xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk)
> *Cc:* Alistair McNaught; Inge Donkervoort 12Change 
> (i.donkervoort at 12change.eu); 'Fay Cross' (Fay.Cross at nottingham.ac.uk); 
> Nuno Jorge (Nuno.Jorge at nottingham.ac.uk)
> *Subject:* Community Website
> I have to say, I'm not sure the community web site is ready for public 
> consumption. If I go there now, the links are all inconsistent and 
> wrap badly, the login box isn't aligned, I couldn't find the 
> downloads, and I'm just not very happy with the way it looks. When you 
> navigate around the pages, the panels jump about. There is 
> inconsistent typography in headings, margins, line breaks and font 
> sizes, the resources page doesn't contain any resources, the resource 
> panel is repeated on both the showcases and resources page, the FAQ 
> page has styles all of its own and there's a ton other stuff: it's all 
> just a bit of a mess if you ask me.
> I'm not putting down the work that has gone into it, but I know we can 
> do a lot better than this: it just doesn't feel finished, and it 
> doesn't inspire me with confidence in the tools.
> At the moment I would prefer to put v2.0 on the main Xerte web site 
> and direct people there, and we can continue working on the community 
> site now we've got this tranche of development work out of the way. We 
> can re-visit the styling of the application as well at the same time, 
> and make the two work together: Nuno applied the same set of styles to 
> toolkits this week, and it didn't work very well.
> So here's my recommendation: we put v2.0 on the Xerte site as we 
> always have done (or link directly from there to Tom's zip, without 
> letting the user see the community site if they follow the link from 
> www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte <http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte>: they 
> just get the downloaded zip). Then we properly finish the community 
> site, and re-skin toolkits in the next batch of work.
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