[Xerte-dev] Re: XOT Workshop in Venezuela

Jose Diaz xt4mhz at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 30 00:19:53 BST 2012

Hi Tom!

Did you check if http://xertetrans.xerte.uk.org/ is working well?

I'm trying to visit it but "Server not found" is shown.

Take care.


Lic. José Gregorio Díaz Unda.
Asesor de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.
Tel.: 58.0412.5518085
Skype: xt4mhz
Web: www.usb.ve - jgdu.blogspot.com

 De: Tom Reijnders <reijnders at tor.nl>
Para: Jose Diaz <xt4mhz at yahoo.com>; For Xerte technical developers <xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
Enviado: Miércoles, 27 de junio, 2012 2:44:02
Asunto: Re: [Xerte-dev] Re: XOT Workshop in Venezuela

The xertetrans website, checks the svn, and extract every translatable text from the xot website, and from the model and wizard (pages) files. Than it allows you to generate a whole new language tree (en-VE) to be placed into XOT.

If you are using the trunk svn version, please ignore my comment on
    modifying the template.

Currently, there are two issues with xertretrans:
1. The structure of SVN is changed, and xertetrans is not yet up to
    date with that
2. The functionality to extract the en-VE folder form the website
    and get it on your own computer is not working yet, I am working on

I'll create an account, and you can at least look at how it's going
    to work shortly.

Besides xertetrans, you need to translate two xml files in the
    language folder, for the translation of the wizard, and for the
    translation of the runtime engine (the player).


Op 27-6-2012 6:18, Jose Diaz schreef: 
Hi Tom, I hope you be ok.
>I found in my records when you sent me the link and offered me a guest user account.
>I'm not sure how to use the "xertetrans" site and how to integrate it with XOT ... can you explain me to show this during the workshop?
>Probably I'll use the XOT from trunk (svn). I suppose copying the "en-gb" folder to "es-ve" and modifying the $_SESSION variable in config.php will do the magic to translate XOT to spanish.
>When you say "ou have to modify the template to load the proper language file" ... what do you mean? 
>Does it sound good to you?
>Lic. José Gregorio Díaz Unda.
>Asesor de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.
>Tel.: 58.0412.5518085
>Skype: xt4mhz
>Web: www.usb.ve - jgdu.blogspot.com
> De: Tom Reijnders <reijnders at tor.nl>
>Para: Jose Diaz <xt4mhz at yahoo.com>; For Xerte technical developers <xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> 
>Enviado: Martes, 26 de junio, 2012 8:51:58
>Asunto: Re: [Xerte-dev] XOT Workshop in Venezuela
>Only the latest (to be released) version of XOT, the website itself can be translated. However in the stable xot you can add a Spanish translation of the runtime. You can find that in the language folder of the xot installation.
>You have to modify the template to load the proper
                language file though.
>Furthermore, the latest xot can be translated using the http://xertetrans.xerte.uk.org website. It allows you to maintain the translation of both the xot website and also of the models.
>Op 26-6-2012 1:17, Jose Diaz schreef:
>Hi guys.
>>Next wednesday June 27, I'm going to conduct a XOT workshop to 30 people.
>>The agenda is as follows:
>>1. Setting up work environment: LAMP, MOODLE and XOT.
>>2. Available resources: The Community.
>>3. My First Project with XOT.
>>4. MOODLE and XOT Integration.
>>5. Translating to spanish XOT.
>>6. Change how LO looks like.
>>Today, I downloaded XOT from SVN: svn checkout http://xerteonlinetoolkits.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ xerteonlinetoolkits-read-only
>>Is this the right (stable) version of XOT to work on my workshop?
>>In the past, I asked how to translate XOT (pages to create LO) to spanish but I forgot how to use the "language" directory and enable the spanish language. By the other hand, Reijnders sent me this: link to work on the translation to spanish (guest-guest): xertetrans.xerte.org.uk
>>How can I enable spanish language from language
>>Does the xertetrans link work now?
>>Finally, I wrote this post to change how XOT looks
                      like: http://jgdu.blogspot.com/2011/11/xot-como-cambiar-su-apariencia.html
>>Is this info useful yet?
>>I've been seen a lot of changes last months
                      through the mail list over XOT. 
>>The participants in the workshop will use XOT on
                      their institutions (universities and schools). So
                      I think its a good opportunity to show XOT
                      capabilities and push the use in latin american
>>Thanks a lot.
>>Lic. José Gregorio Díaz Unda.
>>Asesor de Tecnologías de Información y
>>Tel.: 58.0412.5518085
>>Skype: xt4mhz
>>Web: www.usb.ve - jgdu.blogspot.com
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-- Tom Reijnders
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