[Syrphidae] search for Syrphidae records of Luxembourg

w.v.steenis at casema.nl w.v.steenis at casema.nl
Fri May 5 13:02:39 BST 2023

Dear all,


I'm working on a publication on new Syrphidae records from the Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg (the country, not the Belgium province). 


The latest publication on Luxembourg Syrphidae dates back to 2005. It
brought the total species up to 178. Since then, there are several
publications including Luxembourg records, among others the Syrph the Net
2020 volume and the European Red List of Syrphidae. They give appr. 200
species. But mostly the new records are not stated with data of collected
specimens. And there is some inconsistency between the two publications.


In addition I have some new records of myself and others and there are
records on observation.org and iNaturalist. The total number on my list is
243. And there will be many other species in Luxembourg. Considering the
number of new Country records, a new checklist will be appropriate.


So I would like to ask if you have any additional information on Syrphidae
of Luxembourg. 


All the best,




Wouter van Steenis MSc

Ecologist Natuurmonumenten, The Netherlands


Vrouwenmantel 18

3621 TR Breukelen

The Netherlands


+31 6 21218409

w.v.steenis at casema.nl <mailto:w.v.steenis at casema.nl> 

w.vansteenis at natuurmonumenten.nl <mailto:w.vansteenis at natuurmonumenten.nl> 



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