[Maths-Education] Mathematics Education and Society (MES) conference proceddings

Ernest, Paul P.Ernest at exeter.ac.uk
Tue Sep 14 09:57:26 BST 2021

Dear colleagues

I was just looking at the fascinating array of topics and papers in the current Mathematics Education and Society (MES11) proceedings.

In case you do not already know, MES is a very ethical organisation that makes ALL its proceedings available to the world for free at the following address/website

Of course, hard and softbound copies can be bought and placed proudly on your shelves

But to have this wealth of leading edge research at your finger and mouse tips with free access is a great boon

My mind is already fired up this morning and I have been contacting some exciting researchers about their new ideas (and soliciting contributions!)

Mathematics Education and Society<https://www.mescommunity.info/>
Mathematics Education and Society There is a need for a wider discussion of the social, ethical, and political dimensions of mathematics education for disseminating theoretical frameworks, discussing methodological issues, sharing and discussing research, planning for action and the development of a strong research network on mathematics education and society.
Keep safe!


PS Do think about submitting something for the next issue of The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal currently aimed at Dec 2021. The last issue came out in August!
Paul Ernest
Emeritus Professor, Education, Exeter University, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK
Homepage <http://www.people.ex.ac.uk/PErnest/> http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/education/research/centres/stem/publications/pmej/ The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
Memories of a misspent youth  https://sites.google.com/site/witchescauldron60s/home

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