[Maths-Education] Upcoming STEAM Education Conferences

Zsolt Lavicza lavicza at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 10:16:30 GMT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to call your attention to several STEAM Education-themed conferences during the upcoming year. There is a growing number of researchers who are getting interested integrating Arts, Design, Creativity, new technologies into the teaching of mathematics and STEM subjects and we thought to offer forums for these colleagues.

Budapest STEAM Education Conference 2017 - 5-6 December 2017, Budapest Hungary

STEAMed Finland 2017 - 15-16 December 2017, Jyvaskyla, Finland

Linz STEAM Education Conference - 18-19 January 2018, Linz, Austria

Linz Creativity in STEAM Education Conference - 19-20 April 2018, Linz Austria

CADGME - Digital Tools in Mathematics Education, special strand on Technology, Arts in Mathematics Education - 26-29 June 2018, Coimbra, Portugal

GeoGebra Globar Gatheing North America with STEAM strand - 11-12 July, 2018, New Heaven, Connecticut, USA

Bridges-2018 - Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture - 25-29 July, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

BIBACC-2018 - Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures and Creativities 26-28 October, 2018, Cambridge, UK

There will be further meetings connected to STEAM beyond these events.  Also, a Doctoral Programme on STEAM Education and a STEAM Education Centre is under development at the Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University in Austria, where we would gladly host students and colleagues interested in working on STEAM Education issues. For additional information please contact Zsolt Lavicza <lavicza at gmail.com>

Hope you will join us at some of these events.

Kind regards,


Dr Zsolt Lavicza
Johannes Kepler University, STEM Education Centre, Linz, Austria
Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Queens' College
Director of Research: 
International GeoGebra Institute (IGI): http://geogebra.org
JKU STEM Education Centre, Research Methods: http://www.jku.at/idm/content
Geomatech Project: http://geometech.hu
Main: lavicza at gmail.com
GeoGebra: zsolt at geogebra.org
JKU: zsolt.lavicza at jku.at
Metropolitan: zlavicza at metropolitan.hu
Cambridge: zl221 at cam.ac.uk
Geomatech: zsolt.lavicza at geomatech.hu
Phone: (Hungary): +36 20 587 7847
            (Austria): +43 677 61290679
            (UK): +44 7962 488 222
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