[Maths-Education] PhD studentship in Mathematics Education at Loughborough University

Paul Hernandez-Martinez P.A.Hernandez-Martinez at lboro.ac.uk
Mon Jan 26 13:16:37 GMT 2015

Postgraduate Research Studies in the Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University

The Mathematics Education Centre (MEC) at Loughborough University is an internationally renowned centre of teaching, learning and support and is a key player in many high-profile national initiatives. The MEC was the fifth highest ranked education department in the UK at the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, having 85% of its research activity assessed as being “world leading” or “internationally excellent”.  With a growing number of academic staff and research students the MEC provides a vibrant, supportive community with a wealth of experience upon which to draw. Centre staff are interested in supervising doctoral students on topics related to their research interests.

We have funding to enable one well-qualified applicant to undertake postgraduate research in the Mathematics Education Centre commencing in October 2015. Each studentship is for three years and is valued at £13,863 p.a. plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. We welcome applications from non-UE/UK candidates but they must be able to fund the difference between home and international fees.

The closing date for applications is Friday, FEBRUARY 20TH, 2015.

For details of this studentship, information on entry requirements and how to apply visit our webpage: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/mec/postgraduate/research/

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