[Maths-Education] Postgraduate Research Studies at Umeå University, Sweden

Ewa Bergqvist ewa.bergqvist at umu.se
Wed Mar 5 10:25:39 GMT 2014

Postgraduate Research Studies at Umeå Mathematics Education Research Center, Umeå University, Sweden

Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre (UMERC, http://www.ufm.umu.se/english/?languageId=1) is an interdiciplinary network of researchers, teachers, and and research students working with mathematics education research. The centre is one of the largest in the nordic countries (approximately 25 members) and is a strong and lively research environment with many activities and visits from international guest researchers.

This announcement concerns a PhD student position within UMERC that also is connected to The Research School within Educational Sciences (http://www.lh.umu.se/forskning/forskarskola/), within which the student par­ti­cipates in courses and other activities. The position is furthermore a part of a research project that examines effects on the demand of reading ability when translating mathematical tasks between different languages. The research done by the PhD student will include analyses of mathematics tasks in German and also in Swedish and/or English. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that the applicant has very good knowledge of the German language and at least one of the languages Swedish and English.

We have funding to enable a well-qualified applicant to undertake this position commencing in September 2014. The employment consists of four years full time (including courses), no tuition fees, and initial wages at around 2700 euros per month before taxes.

The closing date for applications is MARCH 31ST, 2014.

For details of this position, information on entry requirements and how to apply visit our webpage: http://www.nmd.umu.se/english/research/phd-student-position-in-subject-didactics-alternatively-pedagogical-work/

Kind regards,
Ewa Bergqvist

Associate senior lecturer, PhD

Department of science and mathematics education, http://www.nmd.umu.se/english/research/

Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre, http://www.ufm.umu.se/english/?languageId=1
Umeå University, http://www.umu.se/english/

Phone +46-(0)90-786 94 76
Cell +46-(0)73 073 54 54

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