[Maths-Education] SKE courses

Peter Gates Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Jan 30 14:55:55 GMT 2014


I am the programme director for the Subject Knowledge Enhancement courses in Mathematics here at Hull University - the courses which precede PGCE for graduates of non-mathematical disciplines.  I should appreciate it if the following message could go out.

Wanted - any advice on how to manage SKE Maths programmes in the next couple of years.  Having run these successfully for several years, at Hull University, it is very difficult now to see the medium to long term future of these invaluable courses.  Keith Porteous (k.porteous at hull.ac.uk<mailto:k.porteous at hull.ac.uk>) would very much like to share ideas about how to tackle this, with colleagues in other institutions who are wrestling with the same problems.

Hope this is OK

Best wishes

Dr Keith Porteous

Centre for Educational Studies

Hull University
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