[Maths-Education] PhD Studentship at the Maths Education Centre - Loughborough University

Paul Hernandez-Martinez P.A.Hernandez-Martinez at lboro.ac.uk
Tue May 3 10:27:20 BST 2011

Postgraduate Studentship Opportunity in the Mathematics Education Centre
Loughborough University

Are you interested in the teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics or mathematically-based subjects at university level? Would you like to join a vibrant and internationally renowned group at the forefront of teaching and learning developments in higher education?

The Mathematics Education Centre (MEC) at Loughborough University is an internationally renowned centre of teaching, learning and support. It is a key player in many high-profile national initiatives. We have especially strong collaborative links with colleagues in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and as such we are well placed to research and impact directly upon Higher Education practice.

Staff at the Centre are interested in supervising PhD students on topics related to their research interests; a full list of research interests can be found at: http://mec.lboro.ac.uk/pages/research_interests.html and a list of possible PhD projects proposed by staff can be found at: http://mec.lboro.ac.uk/pages/research_projects.html Candidates can choose from one of these projects or propose one of their own if they feel passionate about a particular topic that is broadly in line with the interests of the MEC staff.

Loughborough University has funding available for well-qualified UK/EU students to enable them to undertake research at the University. The Mathematics Education Centre is keen to attract highly qualified applicants to compete for this funding and to commence their research in October 2011. The studentship is currently valued at £13,590 plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. Applicants must be eligible to pay tuition fees at UK/EU rates. We also welcome applications from suitably qualified international students who are self-funded. The closing date for applications to the Mathematics Education Centre is TUESDAY 31st MAY 2011.

Entry Requirements

All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good honours degree (usually at least 2.1) in Mathematics, Education, Psychology or a related discipline. Essential for success are good English language skills, both oral and written. The successful applicant will be expected, with support, to attend appropriate training and to take full part in the research life of the Centre. Applicants must formally apply online at:

http://www.lboro.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/essentialinformation/howtoapply/index.html and submit the following to accompany their on-line application:

• A one-page CV summarising relevant experience and skills.

• A one-page cover letter describing their reasons for wishing to undertake PhD study in their chosen area and the personal qualities that they will bring.

• A two-page essay on one or more issues affecting learning in undergraduate mathematics.

Submitted materials will be assessed for coherence, clarity and relevance. These documents can be sent directly to Dr Paul Hernandez-Martinez, Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University, LE11 3TU.


Informal contact is welcome prior to any formal application. You can contact Dr Paul Hernandez-Martinez (P.A.Hernandez-Martinez at lboro.ac.uk<mailto:P.A.Hernandez-Martinez at lboro.ac.uk>) for further information about the MEC and the possibility of doctoral studies here.

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