[Maths-Education] ECER 2011 Berlin 13-16th September 2011

Birgit Pepin birgit.pepin at hist.no
Mon Nov 29 10:12:24 GMT 2010

Dear colleague,


I would like to draw your attention to the ECER 2011 conference in Berlin: 13th - 16th September.


The weblink is: http://www.eera-ecer.eu/ecer/ecer-2011-berlin/


As you know we have a Mathematics Education Research Network at ECER, and I would like to encourage you to submit a proposal (individual Paper, Symposium, Research Workshop, Roundtable, or Poster). Guidelines can be found on http://www.eera-ecer.eu/ecer/ecer-2011-berlin/submission-copy-1/guidelines-for-writing-an-abstract/


Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!


Best regards,






Birgit Pepin

Professor of Mathematics Education

Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag

Avd. for lærer- og tolkeutdanning

7004 Trondheim, Norway

Tel. (+ 47) 735 59016 (office)

(+47) 95 47 18 95 (mobile) 



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