[Maths-Education] Socio-Mathematical Identity

Boylan, Mark S M.S.Boylan at shu.ac.uk
Mon Mar 22 09:47:41 GMT 2010

The following references might also help.
Mark Boylan

L. Black, H. Mendick, & Y. Solomon (Eds.), Mathematical relationships: Identities and participation. London: Routledge.

Mendick, H. (2006). Masculinities in mathematics. Maidenhead: OUP

Boaler, J, & Greeno, J. (2002) Identity, agency and knowing in mathematical worlds. In J. Boaler (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning, (pp.171-200). Westport: Ablex Publishing.

Boaler, J. Wiliam, D. & Zevenbergen, R. (2000). The construction of identity in secondary mathematics education. In J.F. Matos and M. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES2), (pp. 192-202). Montechorro, Portugal: Centro de Investigaçãem Eduação da Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa.

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Sent: 21 March 2010 16:02
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Subject: Re: [Maths-Education] Socio-Mathematical Identity

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Have you looked at any of Yvette Solomon's work ? (of Lancaster university, Dept of Educational Research), starting with her 'Practice of Mathematics' (1989), London, Routledge. But there are a number of excellent online articles out there as well. 
Don't be disheartened... you've got a fascinating topic!

--- On Sun, 21/3/10, Ng Foo Keong <lefouque at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Ng Foo Keong <lefouque at gmail.com>
Subject: [Maths-Education] Socio-Mathematical Identity
To: maths-education at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Date: Sunday, 21 March, 2010, 14:57

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hi all,

i am doing a PhD study on "(Socio-) Mathematical Identity"
and i wonder if anybody has fully operationalised the
concept of Mathematical Identity.  [a person's identity with
respect to mathematical practices or how "mathematical"
one is]

i am generally following Anna Sfard's approach of defining
identity as a narrative, but i got shot down by my reviewers
because i have not shown in full detail what Mathematical
Identity really entails i.e. what are all the aspects/dimensions
of mathematical identity.

any help or pointers would be deeply appreciated.

Ng, FK
PhD student


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