[Maths-Education] FW: Multi-Digit Number Processing

Ernest, Paul P.Ernest at exeter.ac.uk
Fri Feb 12 10:20:08 GMT 2010

Dear colleagues

You might be interested in this

Paul Ernest
Forwarded from Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Nuerk:

We wish to draw your attention to an upcoming
special issue on multi-digit number processing in
the Journal of Psychology guest-editored by Klaus
Willmes, Martin Fischer and myself. The issue
aims at exploring the nature of multi-digit
number processing in various areas (e.g., integer
multi-digit numbers, fractions, decimals etc.)
and processes (basic number processing,
calculation etc.). For the current special issue
multi-digit numbers should not be used as stimuli
accidentally  (when single digit numbers could be
used as well), but your research should aim at
exploring the specifics of multi-digit number
processing, such as for instance  the cognitive
relation between different digits in fractions.

We are looking for (extended, max 500 words)
abstracts for potential contributions and will
decide which contributions are invited on the basis of these

Submission deadline is Feb. 15 and is thus
approaching soon. You will find further information in the attached

Please feel free to contact any of us for further information.

Please feel also free to circulate this call to
potentially interested colleagues.

Best wishes, looking forward to your contributions

hc nuerk

Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Nuerk
(Dipl.-Math., Dipl.-Psych.)

Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Section Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology
Department of Personality and Social Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Friedrichstr. 21
72072 Tübingen

Phone :         ++49-7071-29- 78334 (secretary: Frau Schall)
                  ++49-7071-29- 78344 (personally)
Fax :           ++49-7071-29- 5899
Room Nr.:       308 (secretary: Frau Schall)
                  311 (personally)
E-Mail:         margret.schall at uni-tuebingen.de  (secretary: Frau
                  hc.nuerk at uni-tuebingen.de           (personally)

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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