[Maths-Education] Evaluation of maths masterclasses

Vinay Kathotia vinay at ri.ac.uk
Tue Oct 30 11:44:20 GMT 2007

The Royal Institution (Ri), with the generous support of the Clothworkers' Foundation, is planning to commission an independent evaluation of its secondary mathematics masterclass programme. The evaluation will look into the impact, relevance, and perception of the programme (for students, teachers and other stakeholders), identify strengths and weaknesses, and inform the evolution of the programme, so that it makes an effective contribution to mathematics education. 

This is an invitation to register an interest in carrying out the evaluation.  There is a budget of £20,000 (including VAT if applicable) for the evaluation. The bulk of the evaluation research will take place over Spring 2008 with a report due by the end of July 2008. An evaluation tender notice, with details and deadlines, will be circulated to interested organisations in early November 2007. Please contact Vinay Kathotia, Clothworkers' Fellow in Mathematics at the Ri, at vinay at ri.ac.uk or on 020 7670 2906, by Tuesday 6 November, if you would like to receive the tender notice and/or have any queries. Responses to the tender notice will be due in early December.

A brief  overview of the masterclass programme is included below. Further information is available at http://www.rigb.org/events/programmeformaths.jsp 
Secondary mathematics masterclasses aim to engage, encourage and inspire Year 9 students, in the art and practice of mathematics. They complement the school curriculum and the focus is to introduce learners to the wider mathematical landscape through investigations, challenging problems, and hands-on activities. They are organised regionally, mainly by groups of local volunteers, at universities, schools, or LEAs. There are around 50 groups across the UK, from Aberdeen to Truro. Each group organises one or more series, a series consists of between five to ten classes, with a class running for about two and a half hours on a Saturday. Presenters are chosen for their ability to share their enthusiasm for the subject. Topics can range from art to cryptography, from dinosaurs to mazes. Within each class, students have the opportunity to explore the subject for themselves, either individually or in small groups, with help being on hand if needed. Teachers are invited to assist, and masterclasses serve as excellent informal CPD.

Vinay Kathotia
Clothworkers' Fellow in Mathematics
The Royal Institution of Great Britain
21 Albemarle Street
London W1S 4BS
e:vinay at ri.ac.uk
t:020 7670 2906
m:079 4996 4050
f:020 7670 2920
& www.rigb.org 
uk registered charity 227938

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