[Maths-Education] FW: Mathematical Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Workshop

Gates Peter Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Oct 26 15:40:47 BST 2007

Dear all,

Please find below a final list of speakers for the event 'Mathematical
Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Workshop' which is taking place at the
University of Nottingham on 21st-22nd November.

The deadline for registration is 9th November. For full details please
see http://www.lsri.nottingham.ac.uk/mtw/

Best wishes

Camilla Gilmore & Matthew Inglis

Mathematical Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Workshop

21st-22nd November 2007, University of Nottingham, UK.

For full details of the programme and how to register, please visit:

Keynote Speakers:

Alexandre Borovik (Manchester)
Mathematical thinking as experienced by a mathematician.

Peter Bryant (Oxford Brookes)
The importance of relations in children's mathematical development.

Marcus Giaquinto (UCL)
The importance of visual thinking in mathematics.

Terezinha Nunes (Oxford)
Are fractions too difficult for primary school children?

David Tall (Warwick)
How individuals develop mathematical thinking.

Other Speakers:

Patrick Barmby, Tony Harries & Steve Higgins (Durham)
Representational-reasoning model of understanding: Implications and
applying it to multiplication.

Darina Jirotkova (Charles Univ Prague) & Graham Littler (Derby) The
concept building process in 3D geometry.

Sergiy Klymchuk (Auckland Univ of Technology) Popularising mathematical
thinking: A personal experience.

Ladislav Kvasz (Charles Univ Prague / Comenius) On the interplay of
symbolic and iconic representations in mathematical thinking.

Daniela Rudloff (Leicester)
Supporting arguments with statistical information.

Zbigniew Semadeni (Warsaw)
Deep intuition as a level in the development of the concept image in D.
Tall's three worlds of mathematics.

Ruth Stavy, Dina Tirosh & Reuven Babai (Tel Aviv) Brain activity during
problem solving in geometry.

Anne Teppo (Bozeman) & Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Utrecht/Humboldt)
Mathe-didactical analysis: A crucial component of task design.

Anne Watson (Oxford)
Mathematical thinking in adolescence: Possible shifts of perspective.

Oleksiy Yevdokimov (Southern Queensland) On some characteristics of
mathematical thinking in advanced problem solving.


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