[Maths-Education] call for papers (better version)

Anne Watson anne.watson at educational-studies.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Jul 18 17:09:42 BST 2005

Dear All
Apologies for posting a complicated message which acquired html copies
of correspondence as well!  This should not have happened.  Here is a
clean copy of the call for papers:
Guest Editors: 
Orit Zaslavsky, Department of Education in technology & Science,
Technion, Haifa orit at tx.technion.ac.il 
Anne Watson, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford
anne.watson at edstud.ox.ac.uk 
John Mason, The Open University, London
j.h.mason at open.ac.uk
General information:
The guest editors invite authors to submit contributions to JMTE's
special issue on The Nature and Role of Tasks in Mathematics Teachers'
This special issue stems from the significant role that tasks may have
in teachers' education by facilitating both their mathematical and
pedagogical understandings. Through this issue, we hope to begin
conceptualizing this field that has so far, in our view, been
The Special Issue will address the aims of JMTE as it will focus on "the
education of mathematics teachers and development of teaching that
promotes students' successful learning of mathematics".  We expect
papers to highlight the tasks, strategies and content of teacher
education sessions, to analyse these critically, and to show how these
promote development of teachers' mathematical and pedagogical knowledge.
These would include critical analyses of features of programmes of
teacher education and development initiatives.  
We invite papers that are based on empirical research, and papers that
address theoretical as well as practical aspects of design and
implementation of mathematics-related tasks for teachers. We are also
interested in critical reflective accounts of personal experiences that
illuminate aspects of the role and nature of useful tasks for teacher
education. We are particularly keen on tasks that are mathematically
based, and that generate teacher learning of, and beyond, mathematics.
We encourage authors to submit papers that include underlying
considerations and descriptions of construction and use of tasks that
have proved effective in promoting teachers' understanding. These could
build on:
*        Mathematical explorations;
*        Cognitive conflict;
*        Classification and analogical thinking;
*        Exemplification and counter-exemplification;
*        Dimensions of variations;
*        Notation, symbols, and multiple representations;
*        Use of (technological) tools;
*        Alternative and idiosyncratic algorithms;
*        Alternative problem solving strategies;
*        Mathematical connections;
*        Inductive and deductive mathematical reasoning.
We also welcome papers that deal with ways in which teachers gain
appreciation of, and competence in, task design.
The Special Issue will provide a source of knowledge about how teacher
educators go about their role in terms of task design. However, it would
go well beyond this professional function and provide a source of
research evidence about such tasks, and the beginnings of a theoretical
background informing task use and design.  
All papers submitted for this issue must satisfy the standards of JMTE
papers, and should be of one of the following formats: Research Papers
(up to 10,000 words), or Mathematics Teaching around the World (up to
5,000 words). For further details about submission, potential authors
are referred to www.springeronline.com <http://www.springeronline.com/>
Guidelines for submissions:
*	Papers should conform to the aims of the Special Issue and
address the aspects specifically requested by the guest editors.
*	Submissions will be done in 2 stages: In the first stage, the
outline stage, authors should submit directly to the guest editor by
email a 3-4 page outline of their intended paper, showing clearly how
their paper will address the issues stated in this call for papers and
how it would advance the field of knowledge about tasks for teacher
education. When submitting the outline, authors should indicate their
preferred paper format: Research Paper or Mathematics Teaching around
the World. Successful authors will be informed and asked to submit their
full paper, in the format that the editors consider most appropriate for
this issue, according to the time table below. The review process of the
submitted papers will be similar to the standard review process of JMTE.
*	Papers should conform to the aims and standards of JMTE 
*	Papers from countries normally under-represented in
international journals are particularly welcomed.  Authors who would
like special advice, such as new authors or those writing in an
alternative language, will be invited to approach the guest editors for
The outlines will be submitted directly to the first guest editor
(orit at tx.technion.ac.il) and successful authors at this stage will be
informed of the technical conditions for submitting the papers to Kluwer
(normally by using the Editorial Manager).  The guest editors will draw
in experienced reviewers from the editorial board of JMTE and from the
authors of published refereed papers in this and related fields.
Planned time schedule:

December 15, 2005
Deadline for submission of 3-4 page outline of the papers (confirmation
regarding the receipt of the outline will be sent out by mid-December,

February 15, 2006
Guest editors' conclusion of selection of potential papers; invitations
to selected authors to submit full papers.

August 15, 2006
Deadline for submissions of full papers  (confirmation regarding the
receipt of the outline will be sent out by mid-July, 2006)

January 31, 2006
Decisions to authors and advice on minor or major revisions; through the
regular review process of JMTE

March 31, 2007
Deadline for sending in revised manuscripts

July 31, 2007
Final review process concluded and decisions made on submissions

July 31, 2007
Final decisions to authors

October 31, 2007
Finalized version of accepted submissions to printing
Dr Anne Watson
Reader in Mathematics Education,
(Fellow and Tutor for Admissions at Linacre College
http://www.linacre.ox.ac.uk )
Department of Educational Studies
15 Norham Gardens
Oxford OX2 6PY
Phone: 44 1865 274024
Fax: 44 1865 274027
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