[Maths-Education] RE: International Organisation for Women in Mathematics Education (IOWME) in UK

Ann MacNamara maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:05:42 +0000

Dear Sue
please would you put me on the mailing list?
ex Leeds and Durham Schools of Ed

Ann MacNamara
01845 527690           07876 576342
fax; 01845 527583
email: amacnamara@cfbt-hq.org.uk

>>> s.pope@ucsm.ac.uk 07/01/2003 14:20:07 >>>
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Dear colleagues
I am the UK rep. for IOWME and as such distribute the newsletter to all
interested parties within the UK. The current membership received the latest=

newsleter just before Christmas.If there is anyone else who would like to
receive the newsletter please let me know. 
IOWME always have meetings at ICME (ICME-10 is in July 2004 in Denmark)and
are eager for contributions from across the world. IOWME(UK) has some funds
(largely from GAMMA) which could be used to facilitate a UK contribution. If=

anyone is interested in developing something for ICME related to IOWME
please let me know. IOWME has a new website
www.stanford.edu/~joboaler/iowme/index.html do go and have a look if you
want to know more.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sue Pope
St. Martin's College 
Bowerham Road
Lancaster LA1 3JD
01524 384383

An international directory of mathematics educators is available on the web =
at www.nottingham.ac.uk/csme/directory/main.html 
Maths-Education mailing list


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