[Maths-Education] AMET Day

Pat Perks maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 16:51:30 +0100 [BST]

The Association of Mathematics Education Teachers.
Day Conference:
5th October 2002
Venue: University of Northampton Park Campus

Where to Next?
Registration and coffee 10 am
First session 10 30 am
Finish 4 pm

Given that previous conferences have only been small the organisation 
of the sessions will be decided on how many book in advance.

Presentation sessions will focus on the use of the interactive whiteboard 
in Mathematics (Primary/Secondary).
Discussions sessions: What are Professional Values and Practice?
                    Implications of modularisation and flexible routes to =

Costs: in advance =A310 members =A315 non-members
on the day =A313 members =A318 non-members
Tea/Coffee provided but lunch can be bought on the day

Cheques made payable to AMET to
Pat Perks
School of Education
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT

Dr Pat Perks                        email:   P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
School of Education                 phone:  (+44) 121 414 4814
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham    B15 2TT