[Maths-Education] Fwd: Head of School Deakin University

Peter Gates maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Tue, 07 May 2002 12:30:18 +0100

A message passed onto the list from Robyn Zevenbergen about a job in

>>We have an advertisement for the Head of School of the the School of
>>Scientific and Developmental Studies in Education (SDS) appearing in
>>tomorrow's Australian. The position is advertised at level D and E. I
>>wonder if you could bring this advertisement and the position to the
>>attention of your staff.
>>The Schools in the Deakin Faculty are organised along broad discipline
>>lines, but our Education Studies Major is taught by both Schools and is the
>>responsibility of both Schools.
>>I am particularly keen to consider applications from people who have
>>background and leadership capacity in the Ed. Studies major area, as well
>>as hoping to attract applicants to the specific curriculum and other areas.
>>The Ed. Studies major covers the broad areas of sociological and
>>developmental aspects of schooling and students, policy issues in the study
>>and practice of education as well as broad pedagogical issues and
>>approaches. The unit titles in the major are:
>>       Learners and Contexts
>>       Creating Effective Learning Environments
>>       Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
>>       Professional Relationships
>>       Transition to Beginning Teaching
>>I draw your attention to this aspect of the School's work in the Education
>>Studies Major because, although mentioned in the advertisement, it is the
>>specific curriculum areas that are more prominent and are signalled by the
>>name of the School.
>>I will be very happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in applying
>>and would also be delighted if people alerted any appropriate overseas
>>colleagues to the position.
>>Victoria is, of course, 'The Place to Be' [official slogan] and Deakin is a
>>great place to work.
>>Best wishes
>>shirley grundy
>>Professor Shirley Grundy
>>Faculty of Education
>>Deakin University
>>Geelong, 3217
>>Ph. 03 5227 1480
>>email: sgrundy@deakin.edu.au