[Maths-Education] Fwd: New listserver

Jim D.N. SMITH(EDS) D.N.Smith@shu.ac.uk
Fri, 18 May 2001 08:47:41 +0100

There is now a list server for secondary mentors anywhere. The purpose is
to exchange ideas on problems and good practices. In order to join the
list you will need to send a message as indicated below, paying attention
to the spaces as well as the text. Your message should end with, and
include, the two minus signs. If all goes well you receive a welcome
message a few minutes later.

  To: jiscmail@jiscmail.ac.uk
  Body of Message:

  join ITTSECMENTOR yourfirstname yoursecondname


Once you have received your welcome message you will be able to email the
entire list by sending a message to ITTSECMENTOR@jiscmail.ac.uk

Please promote the use of this list with mentors and providers.

Many thanks,


Jim D N Smith BSc MEd BA
Mathematics Education Centre
School of Education
Sheffield Hallam University
36 Collegiate Crescent
S10 2BP


0114 225 2349 desk
0114 225 2339 fax


Common-sense is unexamined theory.