[Maths-Education] Fwd: [HM] John Fauvel

Vilma Mesa vmesa@umich.edu
Wed, 16 May 2001 08:58:42 -0400

>Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 22:37:57 +0000
>To: dhf@maths.warwick.ac.uk
>Cc: <historia-matematica@chasque.apc.org>
>From: David Fowler <david.fowler@warwick.ac.uk>
>Subject: [HM] John Fauvel
>Sender: owner-historia-matematica@chasque.apc.org
>Reply-To: historia-matematica@chasque.apc.org
>John Fauvel died at 6.20pm in the evening of Saturday May 12th in a
>good friend's family house in Leamington Spa. It was a glorious
>summer day, a true celebration of his too short life; he was only 54.
>He was loved, befriended, respected, and admired by people all over
>the world, and in case anyone would like to send any message about
>and for him, you can if you want email it to dhf-fauvel@warwick.ac.uk
>with the subject 'For John Fauvel', and we will try to bring them all
>together in some appropriate place.
>He died quickly of a disfunctional liver and kidney, arising from a
>condition he has had for the last 10 years and perhaps more. He had
>recently been put on the list for a liver transplant, but his own
>deteriorated more quickly than anticipated, with a kidney failure
>that made the operation impossible.
>He will be remembered with joy by all who knew him.
>His funeral has been arranged for Wednesday morning, 23 May,
>David Fowler
>Please circulate this to people who may like to know
>[The original idea of recording from the telephone couldn't work, so
>has been changed to emails to dhf-fauvel. I will also add to the
>collection what has already been sent to HM and to me. And do please
>keep a copy of what you send in case there is any problem with this.]

Vilma M. Mesa
2614 School of Education
University of Michigan
610 East University
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1259
Tel: 	(734) 647 9392
Fax: 	(734) 936 1606
Email:	vmesa@umich.edu