[Maths-Education] Cancellation of AMET Day 24

Pat Perks P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 12:32:04 +0000 [GMT]

AMET 24th March - Cancelled

Unfortunately the day has more discussion group leaders than 
participants - so I have been forced to cancel the day.

Many thanks for all the interesting reasons why you could not 
come - they range from the nice (daughter's engagement do) to the 
horrid (preparing for QAA).

AMET is running a session at BCME, Keele 5-7yh June - CU there!

Our next day meeting is October 6th - put it in your diaries now.

Thanks for the support - AMET lives even if it doen't want to meet 
just now.


Dr Pat Perks                        email:   P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
School of Education                 phone:  (+44) 121 414 4814
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham    B15 2TT