[Maths-Education] Mazes and Labarinths

Mark S. BOYLAN(EDS) M.S.Boylan@shu.ac.uk
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 15:21:51 +0100

For a difference try

In a labyrinth the only way out is in.

Labyrinth's can be easily constructed from simple designs of crosses and
lines and points with arcs.

(not stirct mathemaitcal arcs but arc like curves to be exact)

Draw a cross in the centre of a page, put an L in each of the quadrants of
the cross with lines parallel to thoss of the cross, and a point in each
of the L's at 45 degrees to the parallel lines. 

Now start at the point in the top right quadrant, join it to the line
immediately anti-clockwise with an arc . Next move round clockwise from
first point drawing an arc to the next anti-clockwise pooint that you
haven't used yet. Then repeat

Hard to explain in words and I don't have pictures but mabe its enough to
get you going

Coincidently I have just had Labyrinthitis which is an infection of the
inner ear with ratehr unmpleasnt symptoms
